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client confirmation of banking information letter

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client confirmation of banking information letter


Clients number one complaint after a tax return is submitted is that their banking information either is wrong, or they have closed that bank account. These complaints put the tax preparer in a precarious position, not knowing whether to accept blame for not getting a confirmation or push it on the client by saying I sent you a copy to review before we e-filed. To avoid this awkward position, Intuit should make a standard letter titled "Client Refund/Withdrawal Banking Information" where that is separately printed and attached to the client reviewing documents to sign & return before the taxes can be e-filed to confirm their banking information. The nature of the letter, as an example, can take the form such as "

Dear <@FDITPSalut>,

The information below is used to deposit your refund or to pay any amount due. If you have provided incorrect information, or you have closed the account, you are responsible.


1. Bank Name
2. Bank Routing Transit Number
3. Bank Account Number
4. Bank Account Type

Banking Information

Financial Institution: <@FDIBank>
Routing Transit Number: <@FDIRTN>
Account Number: <@FDIAcctNo>
Account Type: <@FDIEFAcct>

Check One:

` ____ I have reviewed the above information and certify that this information is correct and authorize to use this account.

____ If any of the above is incorrect, please do not sign. Check here and provide the correct information on the corresponding line and return to us.

_______________________________ ____/____/________
Your Signature Date

_______________________________ ____/____/________
Spouse's Signature (If Married Filing Jointly) Date

Status: New
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Level 13

I include a request for verification on the instruction letter when the return is completed.

Bank: <@FDIBank>

Routing number: <@FDIRTN> or change to this: ___________________

Account number: <@FDIAcctNo> or change to this: ___________________

Please sign AND RETURN THIS FORM TO ME to verify these numbers: ________________

Level 1

Why that, when you can print what you have keyed for taxpayer to look over and confirm? You originally asked them to provide their banking info (which they did) and having them to confirm has 2 benefits: (1) to verify what you have keyed matches their bank account they provided to you, and (2) for them to confirm for the last time if that is the account they want to use. I won't put my clients through having them to re-write something they have already provided. If you have ever used other software such as DRAKE, etc., you would understand what I suggested. ProSeries is behind!

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