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Where can I find the options in the homebase selections for: 2020 Client Billing? It has options for 2017 Client billing, 2018 Client Billing, 2019 Client Billing

Level 2
In setting up Custom Homebase, we are missing the options for 2020 Client Billing
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1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Matt C

@dkh the issue has been addressed for new installations, but existing installations will have to delete the file FDI.col (C:\ProWin21 > 32bit > FDI.col) & restart the program. Sorry for the trouble.

View solution in original post

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9 Comments 9
Level 15
Level 15
Looks like they forgot it. I always look at the Tax History Report when Im in the client file, it shows the billing amounts at the very bottom.

Level 15
Level 15
Im going to report this somewhere that it will be seen quicker than in the public board here, maybe it will get fixed before the filing season starts.

Matt C

Hi @len4nd, sorry you're seeing this issue.

It looks like we missed updating the label for these billing amount columns, but the actual amount that shows in HomeBase should be correct.

So the "2019 client billing amount" column will show the amount from 2020. The amount can be found in the Client Status form, a little more than half way down, in the "Billing Amounts for Prior Years" section.

Similarly, the 2018 column will show the 2019 amount, and the 2017 column will show the 2018 amount.

I will report the issue to the team.

Community Manager
Community Manager

This has been addressed in the program. Please delete the file FDI.col (C:\ProWin21 > 32bit > FDI.col) & restart the program.

Thank you, @Matt C

Level 15

Is that the fix until the next update or it has to be done this way ?

0 Cheers
Matt C

@dkh the issue has been addressed for new installations, but existing installations will have to delete the file FDI.col (C:\ProWin21 > 32bit > FDI.col) & restart the program. Sorry for the trouble.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

@garman22  this is what you have to do to fix your HB billing snafu!

Level 15

Thanks for the response.   I think maybe this should be sent out as an Alert.  

Level 13
Level 13

@Just-Lisa-Now- wrote:

@garman22  this is what you have to do to fix your HB billing snafu!

They rocked today!!