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Well, at least they are consistent

Level 15

Why is it whenever I want to print electronic filing reports it takes two tries?  Click on the selection once, no dice.  Try it again and it works.  It's like trying to start a 1972 Buick on a 20 below morning ----------- it never can start on the first try.  The program has acted like this for years.  It doesn't matter what year of the program and whether it is on an old computer or a new computer, it always takes two tries. 🏳️

But as long as I am here:

Ole and Sven walk into a bar and they order some beers. After drinking his, Ole looks into his shirt pocket. They order another round and Ole looks into his shirt pocket again. This goes on for a few more rounds.  Sven is curious, “Ole, why do you look in your pocket after each beer? “Whatcha got in der?”
Ole confesses, “I have a picture of my Lena in der, and when she starts ta look good, I go home.”

Slava Ukraini!
1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 11

Camp1040_0-1675365398372.png!!!!!!  YES!!!


View solution in original post

35 Comments 35
Level 15


Level 8


Level 15

Why is it that Dorothy has to click her heels three times before saying "there's no place like home" ?  Maybe they just don't want you to waste paper by making it too easy to start printing.  

Level 15

They will start making it real easy once Intuit acquires a paper mill to add to its fleet of business operations.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 11

It has been a trying week so far, and I was just about to ask for a Ole & Sven story.

Thank you...having a difficult time typing since I am still belly laughing!!!


Level 11

@TaxGuyBill How do you increase the size of your emojies?


I have just noticed the edit button is back.

Level 15

The trick is to select the emoji and then copy it like so:

Clicking on the emoji button gets you :😎

Then right click on the emoji you selected and select copy gets you this:



Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

😎 Yup.....It has been a trying week, this is what I get.

Level 11

Camp1040_0-1675365398372.png!!!!!!  YES!!!


Level 15

There is no solution to my problem so as long as we solved your problem, it looks like a solution to me 



Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I find that in many cases..Alcohol can solve a lot of problems, even with printers.


Level 11

Especially if its Fire Ball Whiskey 

Level 11

Yes, but not the gas station stuff!! No Wiskey in it.

Level 15

It's only February 2nd --------------------- I'm not sure where this conversation will be heading in two more months.  

As a side note, I thought I saw an Intuit post that said the top solver for the month of February wins a case of Fireball.  But then again, I have taken a lot of anvils over the years so maybe I read that wrong. 🤔

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

You did not read wrong. A case of fireball will work just fine.

Level 15

Hopefully a case is enough to get you through the weekend. 😁

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 8

Try a different Mouse setting. You may have it set to a Double Click setting to confirm that you actually want to do what your wanting to? 

Like are you sure you want to print this? 

Level 15

A brought it up a year or two ago and one of the programming people said it was an issue with the program.  It's not a high priority item for them and for me it's just an annoyance.  Of course I could be like some of the folks that calculate that I do that extra clicking X number of times a year times X number of seconds which computes to Intuit owing me the equivalent of a free year of software.  But once again, if this is the biggest issue I have this tax season, I'll be a happy camper. 🏕

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Try one day.

Level 11
Level 11

@IRonMaN Which EF reports are you referring to?  I'm not having any problems, but then again it may be due to the fact that I don't normally print EF reports.... 

fwiw, I am devising a methodology that I will submit to Intuit so that they may more adequately categorize the software issues, errors, required fixes, etc.  

Pre tax season issues, early tax season issues, mid tax season issues, post tax season issues, extension issues, dietary issues,  prior year issues, licensing issues, political issues, printing issues, calculation issues,  mental & physical health issues, amendment issues, EF issues, intuit link issues, ....

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 11

Not a bad Idea if Intuit is smart enough to read it.

Level 15

@Skylane  I always print the e-filing history report once a return has been accepted.  My standard procedure is to put the client's signed 8879 in their file along with the e-filing history report.  Not that I'm paranoid, ok so I'm a little paranoid, but in the event of some disaster down the road I always have something to fall back on for support.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I print them also after e-filing and after acceptance but do not have the same problems as you from what I can tell. I know you have Two opportunities to print acknowledgments either in a neat format or log.

I have wireless mouses on all my machines now and do have to replace them from time to time. I also Enlarged my Pointer and changed the Color of it to Bright Yellow so I can find it easier.. HAHA


Level 11
Level 11

hmmm... i access EF Client Status History... report by clicking on submission id .  No issues printing or saving as pdf. It may only affect users north of the 42nd parallel. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

I have had the issue for as long as I can remember --------------- which isn't necessarily all that long considering my memory isn't what it used to be.  So in response to your post about cats ---------------- oops, sorry now I remember -------------- I'm using a new computer this year and I am having the same issue as the old and probably the one previous to that.  Like I said, it's not the end of the world.  But I'm thinking it is a more legit complaint than the ones complaining about a woman staring at them when they log in 😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

<<... about a woman staring at them....>>

If you speak to her in nice tones, she seems to respond well to the name Rebecca.... 

I say 'not now Rebecca' or 'Rebecca, please go to your room..' and she usually does. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

She would probably leave quicker if you used her correct name - Penelope. 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

We could have a community contest to name her. "Name the Splash Screen"  55,000 acme stamps to the winner and a virtual trip to Hawaii.  

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

But I was first to name them.  The Lacerte lady was named Penelope and her other sister Penelope was working the ProSeries side of things.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

Penelope it is! I kinda like her. I get to see her a few times a day…. she never complains or talks back.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

She is a quiet young lady.  She gets to work on time every day.  She seems to know what she is doing.  All around she is a model employee.  I wonder if Intuit will be charging us a Penelope fee next year.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

A fee for sure..... since a $50 fee is cheaper than a $50 line item charge!

Level 15
You have been around here for awhile.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Penelope was the wife of Ulysses.  When he didn't return from the Trojan War as fast as some of the others, rumor had it he was dead.  That made her an eligible widow.  She put off the suitors by telling them that she couldn't even think of remarriage until she finished weaving the funeral shroud for her father-in-law Laertes.  Who wasn't dead yet, but planning is always good, especially in advance.  The guys would watch her weave all day, without realizing that every night she would undo her work, so it was never finished.  I think maybe that's an appropriate story for Intuit.  

Level 15

Well, based on that story, she really looks good for her age!

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers