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How do I obtain and then sort Add/Edit Multiple List Entries (non-inventory items) by historical activity? Thank you!

Level 1

Trying to determine activity for non-inventory list items...when were they last used?  Enterprise Manufacturing & Wholesale 17.0

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1 Best Answer

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Level 15

The Add/Edit function is a way to see your List Elements, such as all Items or all Vendors or all Customers, then be able to work in the List view. Instead of Edit one at a time, you can use this to see and make updates as a table function.

It has nothing to do with transactions, financial activity, on hand, purchases, etc. It's the Name or Label part, such as Widget vs Gadget. It's the Setup, such as flows to Inventory Asset, COGS and Revenue, or Not those same three accounts.

Noninventory items are like other List Elements in that you can run a Report on them. For instance, a QuickReport on one item, set the date to ALL, to see all activity. Filter on posting Status = Either, to see both NonPosting (Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Estimates) and Posting (invoices, checks, credit card charges, sales receipts, bills) where that item has been used.

There is no one report that simply shows "last date of activity."

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers

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9 Comments 9
Level 15
Level 15
You have ProSeries chosen as the product you're using....I'm thinking this isn't  ProSeries question though, right?

Level 1
Yep...Enterprise as noted above...my bad
Level 1
Mean I'm out of luck on an answer?
Level 15
Level 15
Im not familiar with Enterprise...that's an Intuit Product?

Level 7
@qbteachmt  would know about QB stuff if anyone. Hopefully she will reply to your query.
Level 1
sorry I see that I am way off in the neck of the woods
Level 7
Not a problem at all, we all get lost every once in a while. Me especially.
Level 15

The Add/Edit function is a way to see your List Elements, such as all Items or all Vendors or all Customers, then be able to work in the List view. Instead of Edit one at a time, you can use this to see and make updates as a table function.

It has nothing to do with transactions, financial activity, on hand, purchases, etc. It's the Name or Label part, such as Widget vs Gadget. It's the Setup, such as flows to Inventory Asset, COGS and Revenue, or Not those same three accounts.

Noninventory items are like other List Elements in that you can run a Report on them. For instance, a QuickReport on one item, set the date to ALL, to see all activity. Filter on posting Status = Either, to see both NonPosting (Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Estimates) and Posting (invoices, checks, credit card charges, sales receipts, bills) where that item has been used.

There is no one report that simply shows "last date of activity."

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 1
That's what I suspected...thank you for responding and clarifying!