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Taxpayer email address on Form 1040

Level 2

Why are email addresses now appearing on the signature page?

Is there a way to remove?


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5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

I feel like I remember email addresses showing up somewhere that people didn't want them to last year due to an update, Im not sure YOU can change it.

Level 15

Try deleting email address in information worksheet and see if that works.

Level 15

That will work, but then you have either permanently lost that information or you will need to go back in and enter it again.  Lisa is correct, this little dance has happened before.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

You can add it to TP Info and then send for DocuSign.  And then delete but what a pain.  I did find out you can go to the F1040 and override and delete it but another pain.  

They need to make an option to have it on the F1040 or not as I have had clients be upset that it is going to IRS.  Further, have read else where that then taxpayers are more likely to fall for scams as they think IRS has their email.

Intuit needs to make it optional.

If anyone else has info please add.



Level 7

If I remember correctly, if you put the email address on the spouse's information side then it will not appear on signature page. But, if you need both, then it's not such a great solution.

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