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How do I limit a suspended loss carryforward from S Corp?

Level 1

Shareholder has suspended loss carryforwards and no basis.  This year they have ordinary income and received a distribution which would have been capital gain if loss, but under rules now a non-dividend distribution therefore the ordinary income should be the distribution amount and suspended loss limited to income over distribution

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1 Best Answer

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Level 15

You have to manually input only the amount of loss that is allowed and keep your own schedule of the caryover amount.

The more I know the more I don’t know.

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4 Comments 4
Level 15

You have to manually input only the amount of loss that is allowed and keep your own schedule of the caryover amount.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
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Level 1
How do I override the suspended loss carryover in ProSeries.   The numbers seem to be behind the scenes in the program as they don't carry forward to the K-1 input screen or the 6198
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Level 15
I don't know. I use Lacerte which does apply the basis limits and tracks the carryovers.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
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Level 15
Suspension of losses due to Basis are not supposed to be on a 6198 anyways, so there shouldn't be any carryovers in the program.  You may need to just delete the 6198.
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