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Sched C, Part 2 entry not showing on software, but does show on pdf copies

Level 7


          Schedule SE shows nothing on page 2 (farming calc) which is correct.

When saving pdf as filing, client, and preparer copies, an amount DOES appear on Part II.   Number is in a different font AND does not enter into any calculation .   All forms show the same refund amounts to federal and state.  Same balance due on local.

         Anyone else run into this?

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2 Comments 2
Level 15

Your title asks about Schedule C, but then the text of your question is asking about Schedule SE.  Could you clarify what you are asking about?

Line 14 of Schedule SE has a pre-printed number, so yes, that would be filled in an be in a different font.   Do lines 15-17 have anything on them?

0 Cheers
Level 7

Ugh!  Sorry I am talking about Schedule SE (related to Schedule C).   Line 14 does show an amount of 6,650 when you look at any of the pdf files but NOT on the software itself.   Lines 15-17 are blank on the pdf copes as well as the return to be filed 

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