Level 7


          Schedule SE shows nothing on page 2 (farming calc) which is correct.

When saving pdf as filing, client, and preparer copies, an amount DOES appear on Part II.   Number is in a different font AND does not enter into any calculation .   All forms show the same refund amounts to federal and state.  Same balance due on local.

         Anyone else run into this?

0 Cheers
Level 15

Your title asks about Schedule C, but then the text of your question is asking about Schedule SE.  Could you clarify what you are asking about?

Line 14 of Schedule SE has a pre-printed number, so yes, that would be filled in an be in a different font.   Do lines 15-17 have anything on them?

0 Cheers
Level 7

Ugh!  Sorry I am talking about Schedule SE (related to Schedule C).   Line 14 does show an amount of 6,650 when you look at any of the pdf files but NOT on the software itself.   Lines 15-17 are blank on the pdf copes as well as the return to be filed 

0 Cheers
Level 15

The amount on line 14 is on the actual form, so that is correct.  There isn't anything to be concerned about for that, as long as lines 15-17 are blank.

It just seems like the on-screen software is faulty, even though the actual form itself is correct with having the pre-printed amount on line 14.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Thanks... I thought there was a glitch in the pdf forms, etc. but have no idea where in the world the

amount came from!  Actually, nothing should be on line 14 since there was absolutely NO farming going on!  BUT since it is not appearing within the software and tax calculation, I'll transmit...



0 Cheers
Level 15

"nothing should be on line 14"

Part I line 7 and Part II line 14 are there for visibility of the calculations. They're being prefilled. That's why they are not in your font.

Schedule SE is a one-page form comprising two parts:

  • Part 1—for self-employment tax 
  • Part 2—Optional methods to figure net earnings
Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 3

I don't ,however, follow where the pre-filled amount on line 14 came from.  It does not match any amount on the return.... 

0 Cheers
Level 15

It comes from the blank IRS form.


Level 3

Aha!   Bravo!!! 


0 Cheers
Level 15

Hmm. Technically, the form isn't blank.

Many of the IRS forms are pre-filled with amounts as limits or as part of the computations. You seem confused over the amount, but it's right there on that line:

"Maximum income for optional methods" and that is $6,560

The form shows the maximum for that specific tax year. Look at the text of line 15:

"Enter the smaller of: two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of gross farm income1 (not less than zero) or $6,560. Also, include
this amount on line 4b above"

Form sections that are not applicable to your specific taxpayer will have pre-filled computation values or limits. What you are seeing is informational for you, visibly. It is used by the software, computationally. Just because that section doesn't apply to your taxpayer this time, the IRS still provides the amounts or values or percentages that are for the tax year.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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