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Rejected application

Level 1

To Whom it may concern, I Veronica Najera traying to enroll in pay by refund product since February 14, 2024, and I couldn't the because the application was rejected several times. I being calling to resolve the issue but unfortunately one is being able to help me with this matter is really frustrated because I have clients waiting to be able to pay me with the product. I call the Santa Barbara Bank, and they say that they are not able to see the application on their system and they say to call Pro series   and I'm back and ford calling and one have a reasonable answer for me. please take a moment to review my case and resolve this matter. I will appreciate. 

Thak you.

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Level 15


We are just volunteers; fellow software users (for the most part).  We can't help.

@IntuitGabi   Maybe this moderator will take pity on your situation & contact you

HumanKind... Be Both
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Thanks for the tag @abctax55 
Hi @VPNRuiz2123, I understand your frustrations. I'll look into this and find some next steps for your situation. Thanks.