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What to do about business extensions that Proseries refused to send ?

Level 3

I'm not sure what happened, but I've had a horrible string of problems with Proseries this year.  (Things like the client letter refuses to print with the tax return, but it's also frequently unavailable even just to open.)  Well, this latest problem prevented sending the last business extensions before midnight.  I highlighted the last extensions to send, went to Efile menu, convert/transmit extensions, etc. just like normal.  And then Proseries thought about it and did a weird screen ripple sort of thing that I've never seen and then nothing.  I tried updating it and no change.  Didn't even pop up the window for PPR authorization.  I was only trying to efile a couple of extensions, but eventually I tried sending just one and it proceeded normally.  But all of the errors before put me at midnight and then it wouldn't accept them because it was now 12:02am.  So now what are my options for the extensions that didn't get filed (beyond just getting the returns done asap)?

(I did determine that the weird screen ripple thing was related to the new client files.  The client files that had been rolled forward from previous years behaved normally once I stopped trying to efile them with the new client files.  But the new client files kept on with the weird screen ripple, not even a window popping up to say that there something to go fix.)

4 Comments 4
Level 9
Level 9

I would print them out, address them and take to post office first thing in morning.  Maybe a kind clerk will roll back date and mark them as 3/15.  Or put in overnight box with a time stamped photo of you putting them into box at 11:30.  Phones can be programed for different time zones. Then just argue with IRS that you did have them in if notice appears.

I myself know a postmaster and another employee with inside access who will back date an envelope on occasion if it is only few hours late.  Maybe you have friend in post office.

Of course if the IRS is monitoring this site, my name is IRMN and I do taxes in the iron range up in MN.

Level 15

Why were you waiting until the last few hours of the last day to file extensions?  You can blame Intuit this time, but what if your power or Internet connection had gone out?  Surely your clients didn't wait until yesterday afternoon to let you know they wanted an extension.  

Level 15

I was in trouble with Intuit yesterday and now someone is trying to get me in trouble with the USPS.   I get no respect.

As some friendly advice for next year, never rely on Intuit at the 12th hour.  I would mail extensions with a note explaining that you attempted to e-file them timely but your software failed you.

Slava Ukraini!

And this highlights the difference between Intuit and the post office.  With Intuit, you find out immediately you are in trouble.  With the post office, you never find out because the letter informing you that you are in trouble gets lost in the mail.