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Two home offices in two different states - second one is not calculating

Level 3

I have a TP who moved from CA to NV. She spent the first two months of 2024 in CA, and then the rest of the year in NV.

The second home office is not calculated at all.

Does anyone know the reason?

I am using ProSeries Professional

Thank you, Gurus!

0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 15

Are you using Actual Expenses on one or both of them?

Have you entered the pertinent information on the worksheet between lines 7 and 8 of the 8829?

Level 3

I am using actual indirect expenses according to locations.

Are you asking about the calculation support sheet or the main 8829 sheet?

Thank you.


0 Cheers
Level 15

On the main 8829 sheet (called the line 8 calculation smart worksheet).

Have you looked at line 8 on each of them?  I suspect that is what is jamming things up.  The law is weird about that so when you enter less than 100% then line 8 gets freakishly small and won't allow the deduction.

While the law is weird and ProSeries correctly doesn't allow it when it is less than 100% and only ONE home office, my first thought that is NOT the correct treatment when there are two home offices.

You can either override line 8 of the 8829s, or enter an imaginary amount on line C2 of that worksheet to get line 8 to be a positive number to allow the office deduction.

Level 3

Actually the problem was that as I directly linked form 8829, it didn't link to the Schedule C correctly and therefore it didn't recognize the second form.

I had to go and click directly from within Schedule C >> Quickzoom to Form 8829 and then I could easily generate a second home office form.


Thank you for the input!

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