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the Basic software

Level 2

Is anyone else having a problem with the Basic software?  When I am in a client's return and go to "help" at the location where I want to insert a figure, the help screen "wonks out" on me.  (That's a technical term).  I comes up but only half a  page. 

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5 Comments 5
Level 15

The first step I always perform when wonk happens is to reboot my computer.  If that doesn't help, try clicking on your computer start menu, select ProSeries and then click repair updates.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

Thanks,  I'll give it a try.

Level 15

You betcha!

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 2

Both did not help.  But thanks for trying.

When I am in a return and want an explanation for what to put into a field, I click on the field, then right click to go to the "ProSeries Basic Edition Help Center".  I actually have to right click twice to get the drop down box to  be viewed.  I then click on "About line XX" and it takes me to the Help Center.  But the dialogue is only partially viewable.  The right side is cut off. And the Help Screen does not scroll down further - that is, the next page is blank, the dialogue does not continue.  It is frustrating. - alan

0 Cheers
Level 15

It could be possibly your computer resolution settings don't work with ProSeries.



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