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stop automatic update

Level 4

How do I stop the automatic update that I never turned on? 

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9 Comments 9
Level 15

As of now you can't stop automatic updates

Level 8

I have that same question!!!

Level 15

You can add your vote to the request to stop the auto updates     Kill the automatic update feature in 2021 ProSerie... - Intuit Accountants Community

Level 11

I believe that it only updates when the program is open.

I generally try updates each morning before opening the program, thereby beating intuit to it.

Level 15

I don't have ProSeries open and I just noted a little flickering on the bottom of my computer tool bar.  Clicked on it and saw ProSeries was doing an update ------------ repeat, I don't have ProSeries open.

Because of our complaining, they are supposed to be doing an update sometime this month to allow us to manually select when we want the updates ------------ haven't seen it yet.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Well there goes my workaround!

Sneaky ******** (I put the stars in for them so they could concentrate on program changes rather than censoring)

Level 4

Not so.  I update first thing as well and if they update during the day it become automatic.  I suppose that's a good thing versus my simply trying to save a couple of bits of computer memory.

Level 15

No, it's a bad thing.  Intuit has a history of doing updates that mess things up for preparers.  I have always checked this place out for any posts about issues "after doing an update".  I prefer to do updates only when I believe they aren't going to cause me headaches.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Ugh.  Something I've only experienced occasionally with bad updates.  Now I have to find that subject to check before checking for updates as I've automatically done multiple times per day if they ever undo their automatic updating or somehow not apply them when they send automatic updates.

Less and less fun each year.

Who wants to buy my practice?  Time to wind down.
