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ProSeries Sign on

Level 3

Appears to be a known issue that the Intuit login service is not working.  Come on Intuit - this is unacceptable.  This happens every year.  You need to develop a work around for this.  Very frustrating.  Even the sign in offline piece is not working.

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20 Comments 20
Level 11
Level 11

i have clients coming in..  this is really bad

Level 3

This is the second time in what? a week?  This is not okay

Level 2

Mine is down too!

Level 11
Level 11

back in!

0 Cheers
Level 13
Level 13

PIA, I know but keep trying. I got in on both my stations. 

0 Cheers
Not applicable

This is so unprofessional. Is everyone at Intuit taking the presidents holiday? I thought a few thousand dollars was alot to switch to new software but when you factor in the hours of lost time with poor customer service and problems with intuit, its worth it. When you can't login to QBO or proseries what the hell are CPAs suppossed to do this time of year? 

Level 2

This is Crazy!

Account Services Unavailable. Please try back later? come to think of it, why do I have to log in to proconnect to work on clients on my own hard drive? 

just lost a client, thank you proseries

Level 3

After trying numerous times and it hanging up on me and having to end-task - I'm finally back in.

0 Cheers
Level 2

What did you do to get back in? Mine isn't working. I had to send two employees home and cancel 10 client appointments. Intuit cost me over $3000.

Intuit just does not give a rats patootee. Intuit knows they have us - can't realistically switch tax software in the middle of tax season.


0 Cheers
Level 1

Time to start thinking about software - Thompson-Reuters?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Same issue here. This off time is going to cost me as much as I paid for the software... 6 Clients walked out. Why the heck do we need to login to Intuit's servers just to access our own hard -drive????

Level 3

I just kept trying to login and then having to end task every time it locked up and wouldn't either login or error out.

Level 1

I finally got in, but not before I had to send a client away. She's definitely annoyed that she has to come back on her day off. Thankfully she is a current client with extended family at my practice. Otherwise, I would have lost her. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

This is totally ridiculous.  I've spent more time today trying to log on than I have spent working.  Rebate?  Tax preparers do not get to take off on President's Day and this has been going on for days anyway.  What is the problem?  I'll bet I've sent around 40 of those "Please tell us what you were doing when your program crashed" on top of not being able to log on.  Every time I have been trying to e-file a return.  An explanation would be nice.  I'm an understanding person.  Keep us in the loop, ProSeries.  We are loyal customers.  Don't make us leave.  


This issue is now resolved.  Please attempt to login again now.  

0 Cheers
Level 3

Remember the Taxworks debacle from like 7 years ago.  What a nightmare.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Can't get signed on.  This is terrible.  This software is way too expensive to have problems like this.

After all last years trouble and now this I'm looking at new software for next year.  Intuit is just like

dish tv services, increasing the price current customers pay as a subsidy to discount new


0 Cheers
User FIDO 61
Level 8

Never-mind. Configuration *.INI files to the rescue! 

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
0 Cheers

This issue is now resolved, please close ProSeries if you have it open to the login screen and try again.  If you still run into the issue after that clear cache/cookies in IE, as that is the browser ProSeries will use when you're logging in.  Note that is IE not Edge.

0 Cheers