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ProSeries Basic 2020 not opening now in Windows 10

Level 1

I run ProSeries Basic via Parallels on my MacBook Pro. It's worked perfectly. This morning, I can't open the 2020 version. It worked fine last evening. I CAN open 2019.

Any ideas? I tried undoing Microsoft updates (the likely culprit) but that's not working.

Please help. This is maddening.

Thank you.

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4 Comments 4
Level 3

I have the same problem. After update microsoft, proseries takes a long time to open. Maybe I should undoing microsoft updates. Any suggestion?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Takes a long time to open or won't open at all?

When I double-click on ProSeries Basic 2020 now, the little blue Microsoft wheel thing spins for 1 second, then disappears. Nothing shows in Task Manager. It's dead.

When I double-click on ProSeries Basic 2019, it shows in Task Manager, then opens as usual.

So mine isn't a case of taking a long time to open. It's dead. It's not opening at all. Is yours opening after several minutes or so? Or not opening at all?

0 Cheers
Level 2

I am having the same issue since about noon EST on 03/07/2021.

0 Cheers
Level 1

The problem was infuriating and day-ruining but it was resolved by Intuit support.

I lucked out and landed Ashlee on the phone when I called 800 434-6818. She is A+++++++.

The solution was to download the software again. But she walked me through the whole thing (actually, she watched me do what she was telling me to do via Glance). Fifteen minutes later the clouds parted and all was well again.

What caused the problem? Maybe a "miscommunication" between a Microsoft update and my Parallels app (on my MacBook Pro). Not sure. But it's fixed.

If you call support and land a dud support person (I have had that misfortune before), ask for a "Tier 3" person. That's what Ashlee is. 

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