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ProSeries 2022 and Windows UAC prompt - "awregister" Intuit App?

Level 2

On one of the computers in our office we are getting a new pop up that I generally would disregard and allow, but I'm curious what is suddenly causing it...and on only one of the several computers that has ProSeries installed. This is for ProSeries 2022, and only 2022.

Upon opening up, before even being prompted to login, the following message comes up, followed by the Windows based message (2nd photo). Obviously this is a Windows security measure as we see all the time with various programs, but what is the "awregister" app that is requesting permission? I googled it and got nowhere. It is Intuit based, but I can't find it on my personal computer anywhere within the ProWin or Intuit files. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to dig into the hard drive of the problem computer to see if I can find this "awregister" file anywhere, as its quite possible I'd find it, but then what would I be able to learn from it?

On the problem computer the employee has simply chosen to "x" out of the yes/no prompt and it then opens up and he logs in with no obvious problems yet caused by not granting permission for this app. 

Curious if anyone has seen this "awregister" pop up before and can provide an explanation.


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1 Comment 1
Level 1

I had the same situation today 09/11/2023 and there are no answers or replies to kmuller.  did anyone encounter the same ans what was done?

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