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Printing Pet Peeve or Is It My System

Level 11

I usually print with the tax return Form 1099-R Summary to show the list of all 1099's within the return. This year it prints on 2 pages and 1 line of a 3rd page. Does anyone else have it print this stupid one line on a page or is it my system?

4 Comments 4
Level 15
Level 15

Lazy programming, nobody checked the formatting, the W2 worksheet was printing like that with an extra page that only had 1 black line at the top until the last update or two.

I always use Print Preview and remove junk like that, but I dont think that helps if youre printing to PDF.

Level 11

I could always delete that page with 1 line of printing, but it's part of a sentence. I know "some" client will complain how can you send me a tax return with only half of the sentence?

Level 15

I don't print that with the return.  I'll sometimes print it for my file for review purposes for someone who has a mittful of 1099Rs.  If I did print like you are thinking about, I would never have a single client complain about printing half a sentence.  As a matter of fact, I could replace that sentence with "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water" and I am confident I would never have a single client question it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

As a side note, it's good to hear you are down to only one pet peeve.  I thought you used to have a bushel basked full of peeves. 😉

Slava Ukraini!