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phone support

Level 1

Has anyone noticed how lousy the phone support is for Proseries?  The only good thing I can say is that they get you to a human quickly.  However, I would prefer to wait on hold for an hour to get a person who knows what they are doing.

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10 Comments 10
Level 15
Level 15

I called for something EFIN related last November and it was quick and painless. 

I havent had to call support for anything else in so many years I cant remember what kind of service was provided.

This group can usually help with program related issues better than support can anyhow.


What issues are you having? 

Level 1

Three times in the last two days I have called in to pro series support. I get phone reps that are hard to understand and they have absolutely no idea of the subject matter. All they did was simply scan the Internet to look for articles to send me. My questions were not that difficult. Anybody that has any working knowledge of the software can handle them.  After wasting 90 minutes on the phone with these three people, I was left doing my own Internet searches and experimenting with the software. Not good, not good at all.

I called in last tax season on a couple of issues, and I got very articulate persons that knew the software, and got me off the phone in a matter of minutes.

I have been a loyal customer for well over 20 years. But at this point, I am reconsidering what I’m going to do for next year.  I don’t need support much, but when I do, I do need it right away.


0 Cheers
Level 15

And Ruben asked what issues you are having in order to try and help you and instead of answering him, you just started to complain again.  Are you visiting here to fix a problem or just to vent?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

@rich10   try asking here first next time, save yourself some aggravation  🙂

Level 1

Both. But really I’m trying to fix the problem. Somehow into it needs to understand that the people answering their phones are not acceptable. I’ve tried to get through to a manager and that’s absolutely impossible.

0 Cheers
Level 1

My questions were fairly simple. First, I simply asked when I’m doing an amended 1041, that I have never done before, do I need to create a new digital file or write over the original file? I ultimately figured that out by trial and error. Second question related to next year‘s estimated payments for 1041. I see how to make the payment for taxes due for the current year, but nowhere could I see anything about the estimated payments being automatically drawn. Through more research, I found out that intuit does not have this feature. Sounds like I have to go through the Government payment system.

Again, someone with a basic understanding and training in the system should be able to answer these questions. The person I reached out to last year I am sure would have been able to answer these questions. By the way, I was told that a manager would reach out to me to discuss my issues….haven’t heard from anybody yet.

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Level 15
Level 15

You haven't posted anything about any problem you need help with, phone support sucks, people complain all the time, it is what it is.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Personal preference whether you use a copy of the file or not.   I dont, the original is wrong I want it corrected, I dont need an extra wrong file floating around to get mixed up.  Some people like keeping the wrong original, I keep a printed copy, thats good enough for me


Auto debit of ES payments on s 1041?  never tried it, Id have to go look, but if you dont see the option, its probably not there.


Level 1

Thank you.

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