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Notification thingy not working?

Level 15

Is it just me or is the notification thingy only partially working today?  I see the bell has rung for me on some posts that I had replied to earlier, but I see other posts that I know I posted to earlier but there is nothing showing up in notifications for those subsequent posts.  I know I have had my bell rung a few times from falling anvils, but did someone else drop some anvils on Intuit's notifications bell?

Slava Ukraini!
9 Comments 9
Level 11

I just noticed that also, I was checking my settings but they are the same as always. It's the bugs going around!

Level 15

Same here.  Figured it can't be just me, knowing how this place likes to "fix" things that ain't broke.

Still an AllStar
Level 11

It just worked for your post, the bug must have been swatted!

Level 15

The bug just flies around and lays eggs wherever it feels like.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

They're definitely fiddling with something here.  I see this message on the top now asking me to log in for a "personalized experience".  Gee whiz, personalized experience - I'm at a loss for words!  But I'm already logged in...  Or have I just entered the Twilight Zone?

Screenshot from 2024-01-24 20-26-14.png

Still an AllStar
Level 15

That is the Intuit "personalized experience" ------- go ahead and login even though you already are logged in.  Who else would offer such an experience?  I've noticed that little pleasantry before so it has been around for awhile.  

Slava Ukraini!
Community Manager
Community Manager

I'll look into notifications and the log in link. Thanks @IRonMaN @itonewbie 

Level 15

Thanks.  This issue has popped up before and someone got it fixed so I'm sure they can do it again. 😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I have noticed that also. Let us hope it is not an omen for things to come with the tax software. That's all we need.