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National take your dog to work day.

Level 15

I hope you all did not forget. I didn't forget because Heidi is the boss of my office the whole year. Dogs are the best. 🐕

9 Comments 9
Level 15

Scout has been reporting for work for the last year and a half.  He is always happy to head to the office -------- he keeps winning our employee of the month award.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Juno is here at the office often.  BUT, as John is retired and caters to her every whim - she spends more time at home with him (chasing the ball, going to the Lake to swim & jump off the pier after the ball, napping - rinse, repeat ;-). 

It's a great life for a pup that spent 3 months in a god-awful shelter before we rescued her - altho we are the lucky ones because she is such a great dog !

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Level 15
Level 15

I just got a new puppy last week, we went to the office for the first time a few days ago, he did great!

Level 15

I thought you were going to say you brought Timmy the tortoise to work with you😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Always trying to bring politics into the discussion.  We know which candidate doesn't have a White House pet.   

Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now-  A "new" puppy?  Because there weren't any deals for old ones?  

Level 15
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

I thought you were going to say you brought Timmy the tortoise to work with you😁

Oh no, he's 175lbs now no way I can get him into my vehicle!

Level 1

Hehehe that's a good one 😂

Level 15

Every day is take your dog to work day.    I've considered eliminating clients based on their reaction to my sweet Gus.