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March 15. one month to go

Level 11
Level 11

Software is working great. schedue is more than booked up through april 15, full slate of clients coming in today.. here is to a strong finish to tax season. I wish it would last all year that is how much I like it.

13 Comments 13
Level 8

I agree...the software has been working well.  Please don't let this comment jinx anything.  

Level 15

It's working well as long as you aren't doing a business return that dropped a partner or shareholder in 2022.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@Jim-from-Ohio      Your enthusiasm is making my head hurt.   Like bright lights and loud noises when you have a hangover.

LOL.... just kidding. 

Glad you enjoy your work.  Few people can honestly say they like what they do.


Level 11
Level 11

waiting for my 10:45 appt to arrive.. i allocated 30 minutes for my last appt and it ended early.. client brought out their return and their son's.. finished both in 16 minutes total. just got a voice mail. lady says.. umm. hi.. we received our state refund but it was one dollar short.. can you call me and let me know why they shorted us one dollar.. more effort for her to make that call and for me to call her back then worth it but i will call her back, (just not now though)

Level 15

You can get another return done in the time it takes to make that phone call.  Just leave a dollar bill taped to your front door and tell her she can pick it up anytime.

Slava Ukraini!

I would much rather do a NY or CA return than an OH return.  How can you possibly do the federal, OH, the city, and a school district return for TWO people in 16 minutes?  It takes about that long just to get the code to get into the program, and verify that phone numbers, drivers license info and bank info  haven't changed since last year.  And if there is a new W-2, it takes time to type in all the new info.  I really would like to see how you prepare the return, have them sign the required forms and kick people out the door so quickly day in and day out.  Do your clients never forget anything?  Do you never have a person who says "I didn't print my brokerage statement but I will email it to you now" and have to wait for them to do so and then print it?  Does time pass more slowly in OH than it does here in IL?  Isn't there ever an issue that you need to look up?


Level 15

He is kinda like a Seinfeld episode - The Tax Preparer Nazi - nobody dares forget anything because they are too afraid of hearing - "No tax return for you!"

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

One month to go and today finally hit 50% individuals completion and 52% business/trust completion. Jeopardy answer - no sir.  The question is - do I have the energy (and attitude) to handle the next 50% in one month.

Level 11
Level 11

ok. .so for ohio.. no local tax if you live in a township and only certain school systems have a school tax.. this set I am referring to.. each had a w-2 and a brokerage statement.. fed and ohio. easy peasy. now if i lived in texas I would have to change my name to JimFromOhio and I could double my returns as no state tax there of course. 

0 Cheers

So what do you do with the 80 year old who today handed me a 1099B with no basis listed as it was a noncovered security?  She has no clue when she got it, how she got it, or how far back she has account statements.  And even if she has all the statements, guess who is going to be computing it?  Nor does she know what to ask if I tell her to call the company to get additional info regarding her account.

Don't you ever have anything like that?  That is my practice, day in and day out, several times a day.  I can never complete a tax return in 30 minutes.

Level 15

Been there, done that. ☹️

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

here's a better one.. easier one.. what do you do when you get a 1099-DIV with a foreign tax credit and no where on the 1099 does it show dividend details, let alone show foreign income?

0 Cheers

If the total is less than $300 single/$600 joint, I don’t worry about it.  If it is more than those amounts, I make them call the broker, who of course will say if they didn’t provide it then it is not needed.  I see it frequently when the foreign taxes from each broker are below above limits but combined are over.