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Link documents that ONLY show up in the documents tab?!

Level 3

When my client uploads documents under the documents tab, it will not show up under the request documents. WHAT?!?! This is a BIG problem. I have to count the documents in the requests tab and documents tab, just to make sure they match and know that I have them all. The "documents" tab does not have a download all option. My client uploaded 32 documents, but I only saw 31, assuming they were all there! Now I am amending a return!!!! This is a HUGE oversight and needs to be fixed with a "download all documents option" that ACTUALLY does it. How do we get Intuit to fix this ASAP?! Now I wonder about other clients. 

4 Comments 4
Level 8

I've had a similar issue.  I viewed the documents in the Request Tab and informed the client one interest statement may be missing.  "You didn't send me the 1099 from Bank X"  Client informed me they had uploaded and took a screenshot from the Document Tab showing it there.  So yes, there is some issue with how uploaded documents are stored in Link this year.  

LC doesn't seem to have that problem. We can download responses, and we can download all files.

Interesting that there were 32 docs. Did the client tell you?  How do you know the client is right?  Asking so that you can charge for the amended return if it isn't your fault.

0 Cheers
Level 3

The client sent me a screenshot of all the files on his end. It was uploaded. It shows up on my end, but only under the documents tab, not the requests tab. This could all be fixed if the documents tab had a download all documents like the requests tab. Counting and verifying the documents in 2 places would be a HUGE time killer. 

Level 3

It is my fault because I use Intuit Link. The client did everything they were suppose to do. Intuit needs to fix this.