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Kansas K-210 Calculation Error

Level 3

Kansas K-210 Estimated Tax Penalty form is not including taxes paid from K-120S in the calculation (line 8 of K-210).  Line 9 - Lines 5 & 6 are creating an incorrect amount on line 11.  Line 9 should subtract line lines 5, 6 AND 7. This is causing an underpayment amount to be calculated on line 11 and a penalty amount to be calculated on line 18.  Is there a workout around or a fix in the works?

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3 Comments 3
Level 3

Has this been corrected by ProSeries?

0 Cheers
Level 3

No. We are also worried about overriding it then having an update. 

0 Cheers
Level 3

It is ridiculous that ProSeries has still not corrected this in 5 months.

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