I have about 6,000,000 returns to get done. In the old days, right about now, I would be feeling stressed out. I would have the potential to be drinking a case of booze a day (even though I don't drink) and have the potential to be smoking about a carton of cigarettes a day (even though I don't smoke). But thanks to the sage advice @BobKamman provided not too long ago, April 18th is just another spring day. And I am looking out the office window as I type this looking at a dreary, cloudy day thinking it is just another spring day. Life is good, I feel no real stress. I mean, can someone provide me with an obituary for someone that died because they didn't have their return finished by the regular tax return due date? So to everyone else out there, I hope you are enjoying another spring day. 🌻🐦🐝
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The forecast here in Phoenix is 97 degrees by Friday. I'm stressed out about my A/C energy bills. And whether I should get that new unit now, or wait until the old one breaks down on a 110-degree day in July.
It's thirty two degrees at the moment here, so I'm not feeling stressed about air conditioners. It's just another spring day. 😉
My client is 15 minutes late, I'm stressed, but then he just texted that he had stepped in dog poop and had to clean up his shoes. I told him I have the disposable paper booties if he need them. I glad he's cleaning up, I don't think the booties is block the smell.
As I have just learned. It's just another spring day!
I need to proof read my comments😀
It is just another spring day, with the smell of dog doody in the air 😁
All went well, he actually changed to a different pair of shoes and now I will have an extra set of boot covers for the next client that needs them.
I started offering them when clients who worked in the fields or oil from factories and mechanic shops insisted on removing their shoes. The shoe covers speed up the process a little.
@BobKamman wrote:
The forecast here in Phoenix is 97 degrees by Friday. I'm stressed out about my A/C energy bills. And whether I should get that new unit now, or wait until the old one breaks down on a 110-degree day in July.
Oh, thats horsesh-t, sir!! No one likes a braggart. 😀😂🤣
Its 43 here in Chitcago and I want a 97 degree day!!!
I'll gladly take two 43 degree days over one 97 degree day. You can have the heat, I prefer it a little cooler.
"I started offering them when clients who worked in the fields or oil from factories and mechanic shops insisted on removing their shoes. The shoe covers speed up the process a little."
Thanks for the info. I was a little curious what you had going on. I offer masks for the face, not for the feet.😀
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