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Intuit making me very mad

Level 9

I am in the middle of a big deadline for a number of trusta when Intuit decides to want me to sign in again to Pro Series with a text code numer they will send.  These idiots have sent me two different code nuimber and they will not accept either one of them.  I do not use a code number to sign in on a regular basis.  What is wrong with them.

17 Comments 17
Level 15

"What is wrong with them."

That is the 8th Wonder of the World - What the heck is wrong with Intuit"

Unfortunately, nobody has the answer.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Same here.  Every time I start up the program I have to have a code sent by telephone !!  Getting old quick !!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@poolcleaner Thanks for the report. We'll reach out to you for more information. 

Level 15

No clue... but * Hi *  Jane 😉

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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Level 15

@poolcleaner wrote:

What is wrong with them.


I don't think you have enough time for the entire list ...  😁

Level 13

Do you mean the two step verification system? I have used it for years.

It is a PITA, but it works,

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 4

Never before did I have to have Intuit call and give me an access code each time I log in.  Maybe once or twice a year.  But not every time.  If that is the two step verification, it must have activated on the last update a few days ago.  Can it be shut off ?  I will check options and see if thats the case.  But its strange it just started doing so and I never selected it.

Level 15

With Windows 11 you get Phone Link - Allow your phone & your PC to talk to each other. When they send the link a little bubble pops up. Click the bubble to copy the code then move back to the program and past the code in.



Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15
Level 15

Ive seen people complaining over in the Facebook ProSeries group that multi factor auth is not playing nice...they must have made some kind of change in the past day or two.  I havent seen any difference.

Level 4

I checked.  2 step is disabled in my security options in ProSeries, but it still wants me to verify via code.  Do not want to use "Phone Link".  I want to log in without Intuit sending me a code each time  😠

Level 4

Have you updated in the past few days.  Thats when mine started acting up.

Level 15

@poolcleaner "What is wrong with them?" They rode the little bus to school?

Level 7

Love the title. 🤣🤣🤣

Level 15
Level 15

@taxman1 wrote:

Have you updated in the past few days.  Thats when mine started acting up.

Ive got my system set for automatic background updates, looks like it auto updated on 9/25. 

Are you running Win 10 or 11?  I wonder if its an OS difference.

Level 4

Windows 10 Pro.   I do not want to update to Windows 11 either.  🤣

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Im running Win 10 on both systems, but I havent been harassed by the 2FA yet on either system and theyre both updated, so maybe theyre just rolling it out slowly?  I think its going to be a requirement moving forward, so as much of a hassle as it is, I think we have to get used to it  😞

Level 8

Glad to see you are still with Intuit  @IntuitGabi 

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