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How to correct error when attaching pdf for electronic filing using the "other" type of document?

Level 3
Attached Federal form to 1120S as pdf using the Type of classification as "Other" but Proseries will not accept. It creates error message negating ability to file electronically. Any correction coming.
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5 Comments 5
Level 15

What are you trying to attach?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Form 8925 insurance disclosure.  But it doesn't seem to matter the form used it happens when using Other category/type.  error message about MeF not accepting binary attachment.  It will accept if I choose one of the pre-filled types.  Could mislabel as work around but this hasn't been problem in past 10 years so again another programing issue.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @WI FISHY Have you tried renaming the file and/or description of the PDF? If you selected Other in the Type column, enter a description of the attachment in the Form/Schedule and Description column. Here's some articles with more information: 

-How to attach PDF files to federal or state electronic filing in ProSeries
-Attaching PDFs to business returns for e-filing in ProSeries Professional
- IRS Recommended names and descriptions for PDF files attached to Modernized e-File (MeF) business submi...

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0 Cheers
Level 15

From other posts, don't include the word "form" in the attached file's name.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

thanks....removing "form" from the pdf name worked.  Interesting quirks this year.

Appreciate your tips.