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Honest to God, why do we bother posting?

Level 15

At the risk of being sent to the principal's office one final time, do any of these Nobel Prize candidates actually read what was posted previously about the issue they are having?  The 1099 post was the epitome of this amazing phenomenon.  I've seen it happen over and over but that was a classic.  You post to a thread that has 1500 previous responses, 900 of which provide help with the issue but yet it's like playing whack-a-mole ---------------- "I can't get my software to work, does anyone know why".  Honest to God, there is no hope for humanity 😭

Slava Ukraini!
63 Comments 63
Level 15

As a side note, I feel better now.  Sometimes you just have to let these things out or you will explode -------- and my wife will get mad at me if I explode and make a mess in the office. 😰

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Yes  !!!!!!   I feel the same.   Thought I was just being crabby after a long week.


Level 11

Just think about Sven and the 4X2 story.



Level 15

 she quietly hands you the broom...................hahahahahaha

Level 15

Camp - after your post, for some strange reason I thought of this oldie:


Ole, Sven and Lars die in a tragic Lutefisk​canning ​accident. They are met by God on the stairway to heaven.

God says, "There are 3,000 steps to heaven. It's very serious up there. I'll tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. If you laugh you go to hell."

So they start walking and reach to the first 1,000th step. God tells a joke, Lars laughs out loud and goes straight to hell. Ole and Sven look at each other nervously.

On the 2,000th step God tells another joke, Sven tries his best but laughs and goes  straight to hell.

On the 3,000th step God tells the last and best joke, Ole doesn't laugh and proceeds to the gate.

Suddenly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. God asks, "What are you laughing about?".

Ole replies, "Oh dat's funny. I yust got da first yoke!".

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

But...but... the majority of those posts were from Turbohhhhhhtax DIYers. 

Locking the barn door would stop a lot of 'em.   But the folks that did actually appear to be taxes for clients that just COULDN'T comprehend the basic answer of 'it ain't necessary to enter all the 1099's) scare the h*(( out of me.  And also makes me wonder about the state of this profession.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

It ain't just the Turddddos.  Over the years there have been multiple times that people would be in tears because their software won't work and the post right above their tear stained letter has the solution.  And those people are scary.  I'm guessing if you locked the barn doors, the cows and chickens still would come in but a lot of those top tier tax preparers would be standing outside wondering how in the world the chicken got the door open.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

Years ago, in a previous iteration of this place, our hosts had some sort of automatic recycling of unanswered posts technology that reposted old as new...........  sorry for bringing back the ugly memories.... 

I remember having a lengthy (somewhat more than mildly disparaging) reply that I copy/pasted to each instance (along with the dreaded thumbs down).

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this could be another plot 

...............Wondering why there were no Super Bowl commercials for ProSeries & Lacerte   


If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

Mildly disparaging remarks really don't matter when nobody reads what it is posted.  Maybe Intuit should refine this site so that if you click on a post, you can hear what the post says rather than have to go through all of the work of having to read it.🙄  The world is getting lazier and lazier so being read to would probably be something Intuit would be willing to jump on.  😶

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Yep, the self-centered, entitlement mentality that seems to permeate society now is scary as hell.  

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 11

Hey I'm entiled to my level!! I only had to give 450,000 thumbs up to earn a level that I have no idea what it means!! I'm a boomer.....arent't I entitled?

What is the sarcasim emoji?

Level 15

"What is the sarcasim emoji?"

A picture of me.  I don't say anything here without at least a wee bit of sarcasm added for emphasis. 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

They need to invest in a quickfinder, the taxbook, and a US Master tax guide. CPE may also help.

Level 15

But who is going to read those to them?  They can't read what we tell them so how are they going to read a real book?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

@PATAX wrote:

They need to invest in a quickfinder, the taxbook, and a US Master tax guide. CPE may also help.

Nah, that's overkill.  90% of the questions could be answered by reading the form instructions.  Or I hear Pub 17 is a good resource.

Level 15

@rbynaker no you are wrong. This year I bought all Quickfinders, the complete Taxbook set, two US Master tax guides from two different publishers, State tax book, etc..I also subscribe to a newsletter and belong to three professional organizations that have newsletters, etc. And I can tell you my friend that it is worth every penny. Even if you only get the answer to one question it is well worth it. Oh by the way I am not a dumb@$$, I passed all parts of the CPA exam on my first sitting before I even started working. Oh yes I like to pat myself on the shoulder once in a while, a little arrogant I am.

Level 15

I don't waste my money on any of that stuff.  I just ask my barber.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

No hope. That is why we have fireball.

Level 15

Please don't bring up Hope.  I think she is still waiting for a phone call. 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

@IRonMaN wrote:

I don't waste my money on any of that stuff.  I just ask my barber.

I've heard that asking strangers on the Internet is the best way to get an answer.  I found out today on another list that only 12% of Social Security income is taxable.

Level 15

I thought I read someplace that asking strangers on the internet really is the best way.  And now that I think about it, I'm sure I read that on the internet so it has to be true.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

They can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true.

Except maybe that only 12% of Social Security income is taxable.

And that CA disaster area returns are due 5/15.  Well, okay, at least that one was true this morning, just not this afternoon.  I'm guessing the IRS needed the extra 5 months to program their computers to ignore CA FTB 1099-Misc forms.  The longer people wait to file, the fewer erroneous CP notices go out, right?

Level 9

This is the reason why I recommend Pub 17 etc so much. Do your own research. I am here to help with real issues that I have had experience and success with, not to answer the questions that are easily solved with the right research.

Level 11

I hate to say this but although I have had complaints about customer support at Intuit when it comes right down to it the only complaint that I have had with the program is form 8915F and that has been only in thelast two years. I cant be;lieve the problems other people are saying that they have.

Level 15

If you do a search for 8915F or Fireball, your name shows up every time 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

almost makes we wish we had a disaster here (where no one got hurt of course and no real property damage.. just maybe trees toppled).. then we would have until October 16 here also.

Level 15

An extension will do the same thing.  

For years I had the attitude that we could always squeeze in one more client because I hate telling someone that we have no room at the inn for them.  But at some point you have to realize that you have to learn to say no or find some kind of safe drug that will allow you to work 25 hours a day without any sleep.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

I do struggle with saying no to new clients.. I finally did say I am all filled up this tax season to a few inquiries recently. 

Level 15

People calling out of the blue and the first thing they ask is "how much do you charge" are really easy to say no to.

Having a long time client come in and say their daughter is going through a messy divorce with a husband that either beats her or is a heavy duty drug addict (or both) -------------------- I haven't quite figured out how to say no to.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

👍 what you said about divorce is true. But it seems every time we try to help someone in that situation we end up getting a big headache, as sometimes they are spiteful and cause problems. Just remember: Business is Business,  And just take the advice of Nancy Reagan:  Just say NO.

Level 15

Especially helpful is recommending Pub 17 for state tax issues.....

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

There are times I really want to be like so many others here and not read those posts.  But it's like driving by a 30 car pile up --------- you can't help but look at the carnage. 😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

So I got this phone call the other day.. they start out with ""Hi. We have a very basic return just a couple of W-2s'.  How much would you charge?"  I thought to myself, I cannot really take on new work but thought.. hey this may take me literally seven minutes to prepare so I thought, yeah, I can get them in. So I gave them a price which I 100% know was more than reasonable.  I know what other CPAs in the area charge and I was way under them.  But for the little time it would take me I am 100% ok with that.  I don't have to charge exorbiant rates for tax returns.  I know one new client that I agreed to take on brought a letter from her former CPA where the letter states his firm now has a $ 850 minimum fee.  She thought that was just outrageous for a return with a 1099-SSA and one 1099-R from her late husband's pension.  I charged her a lot less and she was thrilled and I was happy with the whole exchange.  Getting back to this other phone call that I mentioned, I gave them a very reasonable quote and the lady goes, "OK, thank you, bye"

Level 15

Jim-from-Ohio - " I gave them a very reasonable quote "

Denise from Indiana - I will not give out a price over the phone.... most clients are totally clueless at how complicated their tax situation is.         

Nowadays I just say - sorry I'm not taking on any new clients.... and it feels wonderful!!!!

Level 15

Yeah, I never would give a quote over the phone.  If the person sounded like someone I wouldn't mind working with, the standard procedure would be to tell them to come on down and let me see what you actually have and then I can give you an estimate.  I've seen way too many client labeled simple returns grow into something ugly and not so simple.  But at the same time I've had folks come in with a really basic return that a large firm charged enough to gag a maggot.  🐛

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

thank you for your insight

Level 15

That's the one thing I have learned from the centuries that I have been visiting this place.  We all deal with the same issues and clients.  It's like Dragnet --------- only the names have been changed.  You start the story and someone else can finish it because they have been down that same road.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Yeah it's a good idea never to give a quote over the phone as they may drop a hornet's nest on you. In fact it's not even good to accept the new client until you take a look at what they have. For myself I do not take new clients out of the blue. They have to be a referral and then most of those I do not even take. Thank God I have the luxury to do that.

Level 15

@IRonMaN   your maggot bears a strong resemblance to @joshuabarksatlcs     hahahahaha

Level 15

I work with what Intuit offers me.  If questioned any further I will plead the 5th.😶

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

green thumbs up = sigh of relief

red thumbs down - argh

Level 10


RE: @IRonMaN   your maggot bears a strong resemblance to @joshuabarksatlcs     hahahahaha

What resemblance??

I look learned, and I blink...


I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 15
Thank you for that clarification.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 10

You're welcome.

Or, as the New Age English goes, your welcome.

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 1

My thanks to those of you who have lightened my mood today with your communications about the poor responses from Pro Series support.  I have been beyond frustration with form instructions that tell you to check the box, but there is no box.  Or to attach a pdf (1120S) of schedule B-1 when it is already part of the return with all of the information on it.  Or the instructions on how to edit a K-1 shareholder letter, but it does not make any change in the format of the letter...and those are just a few of the issues.

I began using Pro Series in 1990 and believe that this year may be my last.  The amount of time spent attempting to complete forms that should self populate, time with text support, dealing with K-2 and K-3.  Time to find software that works and has responsive tech support for issues that should have been dealt with in programming.



Level 15

Thanks for posting this. If more people would do this then maybe changes could be made. But many people are not even registered for this forum. I have a colleague, Very knowledgeable, that has issues and I tell him to come on to this forum and post, but he doesn't want too. Instead we get diluted with do-it-yourselfers and God knows who else who sneak on to this forum and infest it.

Level 15

"If more people would do this then maybe changes could be made"

I've been here since before dirt.  Nothing ever changes -------------------- unless Intuit can make an extra dime to make their shareholders happy.  Lots of promises.  Lots of "I'll pass it on to the team".  But they do try to spruce this place up every so often to make it pretty to make the Turdddotaxxx visitors feel welcome.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

If they want to make them feel welcome then they can get a mascot which would be someone dressed up in a huge whale turd costume.🐳🥔😉

Level 15

I bet you we could get rcooley to dress up like that ————— after a few bottles of Fireball 😜

Slava Ukraini!