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Home Office Form 8829

Level 9

I need help.

Client may use standard deduction and when I entered amount for boxes 16, 17 the pro rata portion of mortgage interest and real state tax based on the date business started (X or Y* 111/365) as handy calculation since ProSeries does not take pro rata portion just take the percentage area, still I see the whole amount of 1098 for Mortgage int and real state tax on Sch A and the share of home office are not there.

However, standard deduction is more than itemize for my client but I do not know why the share of home office does not show up in Sch A however not supposed to take it.

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13 Comments 13
Level 8

Employees can not claim the home office deduction - Only business - do they file a schedule C? If so it goes there.

Level 11
Level 11

If you entering the mortgage info on the 1098 worksheet and expecting/assuming/hoping that it will transfer to the 8829 and make the appropriate calculations and Sch A interest allocations.............  don't ge your hopes up.  You have to enter the information manually on the 8829 worksheet and not include it on the 1098 worksheet. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 9

I did manually on 8829 but no changes happened on Sch A for the pro rata of mortgage and real state tax?

I can not see the share of home office regarding mortgage and real state tax on sch A, you mean I have to delete 1098 and put amount directly on sch A? 


0 Cheers
Level 9

Client has sch C. How pro rata portion of mortgage and real state goes on Sch A?


0 Cheers
Level 15

"Client has sch C. How pro rata portion of mortgage and real state goes on Sch A?"

Just to confirm: The client's Sched C has the business use of the home (not simplified method), the taxpayer is marked for taking standard deduction, and you still want to see the remaining itemized deductions on the Sched A that won't be used?

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 9

Yes I think, I did not mark elsewhere to choose standard deduction still I am going to compare Sch A and standard but can not see home office mortgage and real state portion on sch A. 

(Do we have on Proseries the area or box to force picking up Standard deduction?)

0 Cheers
Level 13

The issue is that the "excess" lines and the Schedule A are mutually exclusive.  If it's excess then, by definition it's not on Schedule A.  If it's allowed on Schedule A, it's not excess.

Since you're prorating both by square footage and by number of days you may want to do the math outside of the software and manually enter the numbers on the appropriate forms.

Mathematically, the distinction between lines 10&11 and lines 16&17 is only relevant if you end up with a Sch C loss after the home office deduction.

The Force Standard / Force Itemized option is on the Fed Info Sheet (scroll way down).


Level 8

I would also see if just using the simplified method for the home office deduction works and put the interest and real estate taxes on schedule A. Form 8829 depreciates part of the house and now you have to remember to recapture when they sell their personal residence (If I remember this correctly)

0 Cheers
Level 9

Thanks but my question is not about depreciation and unrecaptured 1250 or about 8829. My question is about Proseries and how it works for 8829. I really need help.


Thanks  a lot.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Did you do a search?

Did you try this trick: https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/proseries-tax-discussions/discussion/form-8829-calculation-o...


"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 9

Yes I did but not working. I was wondering who has or had an experience for 8829 and sch A and definition for line 10&11 and 16&17 since if you want to use standard deduction should not use 10&11 and why the rest of portion of 8829 for Mort Int and Real tax do not go to sch A correctly and the amount of Mortg Int and Real state which came from 1098 to sch A still are stable while should be lesser since now I have pro rata portion of those from 8829? 

I am new on Proseries. 



0 Cheers
Level 9

Thanks Rick,

0 Cheers
Level 3

My experience with prorating interest and taxes among Sch C, Sch A & Form 8829 is simply not handled well by Intuit. Lets not even bring up a business that starts mid way through the year. Always need to perform manual entries.
 IMHO - for what we pay, the software should seemlessly handle these common scenarios.