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Has anyone been able to e-file 2021 taxes? the form 2210 wont allow me to file any returns.

TC Tax Nerd
Level 1

I have several clients that do not qualify to file form 2210, yet I am unable to file taxes.  Not a single federal return can be filed due to the form 2210.  I have no errors in the return except each return is waiting for that form to be fileable.  It does not make sense to me that I cannot e-file any taxes.  I have friends working at H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt that have been e-filing taxes.  I also have friends that prepared their own taxes on Turbo tax and have already received their refunds.  What is going on in ProSeries?  I have called and twice been told I have to wait for the form 2210 to be updated in order to e-file. Are you telling me that every user of ProSeries is unable to file any federal taxes?  HELP!

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6 Comments 6
Level 11
Level 11

The one or two times only that the 2210 was an issue this year for me I have checked the box to have IRS compute the penalty and the error message went away and efiled just fine. 


TC Tax Nerd
Level 1

Thank you for replying.  I did that and it was also suggested by ProSeries when I called in and I am still unable to e-file.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
I had a new client this evening, the 2210 showed up because they owed money, once I put in their tax liability from 2020 (which was much lower than 2021) the 2210 error went away and I was able to Efile it.

Level 8

I think it has a 2/10 update release date 

0 Cheers
Level 11

It only causes problems for me if I have a client who owe's enough to compute a penalty. And those folks aren't mailing the check until April 14 in any case, so that file just goes in a pending stack to be filed when the form is available.

This happens every year, different form, but I will have a (very) few returns that have to go in a "waiting for forms pile".

It's not a big deal after 40+ years. (BTW that pile is right next to the "Waiting for Clients to find the last 3 pieces of information pile", which is much more of a PITA than the "Waiting for forms" pile) you just learn to deal with things.

Level 8

I have those piles too. The holding for form release pile and the missing information pile. Already the piles are getting too large and I now have them stacked in empty paper boxes. Just had another 2210 to go to the hold pile. I love having to explain when they ask why tax season is open but the forms are not ready.  I'm not embarrassed any longer I just throw the IRS under the bus.