Would appreciate help in this one . client died end of last year left no will had 3 children, they went to a lawyer and he appointed one of them the executor. client has a refund for tax year 2021, what boxes do i check, I may sound stupid but I sure could use the help
thank you
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This is not a stupid question. In the past others have asked similar questions about this, and you should check this forum to see the replies, and answer the questions as best as you can for this form.
In any case the estate for the deceased needs to be filed before their final tax return is filed.
Work with the Executor (typically with no will is eldest child).
"In any case the estate for the deceased needs to be filed before their final tax return is filed."
What does this mean?
redacted - this was not accurate advice.
I'm glad you asked since I was a wee bit confused by that statement of fact.
I disagree with everything you said.
The estate does not hold up the filing of the decedent's final return.
I'll second that disagreement.
You are correct; however determination of IRD can take awhile or take little time (checks received go into 2 piles - received in lifetime; received after death) because you cannot accurately file the decedents final return until that is done or you risk understating income.
But estate and final decedent aren't forced to be one before the other; however in practice they often are estate then final.
I will have to Third and I am just a nerd.
And a poet, but didn't know it 😁
I think I missed my calling in life. I have also been told that I should have been a detective. I think Kojak may have been a relative, but I'm not sure since I have a full head of hair.
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