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Form 1099 DIV with federal withholding

Level 3

I contacted Intuit the other day about a reject that I kept getting on the federal return for someone where the error code indicated that the amount of federal withholding did not match what was on the 1099Rs.   I believe that I got the error code, because I had a 1099DIV with federal withholding as well as the 1099Rs.  I suggested to Proseries Professional support that there was a software defect.  To which the support staff responded that ProSeries just passed on the withholding amounts to the IRS so the IRS computers must be programmed incorrectly (after the support person went through each of the 5 1099Rs and 1 1099DIV adding up the withholding on a Glance session).  I decided to try to file the same return with Drake Software.  It was immediately accepted by the IRS.  If any Intuit staff are reading this post, you have a software defect with ProSeries Professional related to federal withholdings on a 1099DIV.

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Community Manager

Hi @gparch1 
Thanks for the report. Do you remember the error code number? I'll message you for more details to look into this. 

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Level 15
Level 15

Ive seen multiple reports of withholding entered on the INT or DIV worksheet creating an issue when EFiling, and people have had to move it directly to the Tax Payments worksheet, rather than list the withholding on the INT/DIV worksheet to get it accepted.

I personally havent had any issues, so Im not sure if its an overall problem or something that repair updates can fix.

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Level 3

It would have been nice if someone at Intuit ProSeries support had thought to suggest putting the federal tax withholding on the Tax Payments worksheet as I did not know that even existed.  I would have preferred trying that to keying in the data into Drake for an hour although the outcome was what I had hoped for.

Level 3

The error code is REJ001.

0 Cheers
Level 3

That was the state reject code I sent before.  The federal reject code is F1040-034-08.  The tax payments worksheet shows the amount withheld on the 1099DIV correctly.  

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