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Forgiveness of PPP Loan

Level 2

Will ProSeries be updating forms to include the statement that that a PPP Loan has been forgiven or applied for?   On page 23 of the 1040 instructions, it explains what needs to be attached to the return.

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Level 15
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Level 15

There is a Quickzoom on Schedule C for the PPP loan statement

Level 15
Level 15


Level 2

Is there something similar for 1120S and 1065 return types?

0 Cheers
Level 15

Not yet

Slava Ukraini!
Level 10
Level 10

Ok... so I played around with this PPP Loan Forgiveness statement, and at the top it has RP2021-48 Forgiveness of PPP, etc.


But when I enter the fields the actual statement refers to RP2021-49,,, which appears to point to a partnership entity event,  Am I crazy? or is this an issue?

And is RP2021-49 applicable to partneships and the kind of statement we should use with them?  I know S Corps use the same RP2021-48 as individuals?

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Level 15
Level 15
I just reported it over in the Lounge...someone typoed the 48 into a 49...doh!
