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Level 11
Level 11

I have a very difficult time telling a new client that I am all scheduled and completely filled up to a response to an inquiry for income tax prep to something like. Thank you for contacting me regarding your income tax preparation needs.  I would be happy to take care of your tax filing needs but I am totally booked from now until April 18.  If you would like me to e-file the extension for you please let me know and we can then meet later in April or early May... something like that. anyway.. tried it for the first time and they wrote back, sure.   

12 Comments 12
Level 15
Level 15

Ive only got 3 or 4 open appt spots left before the April due date, the struggle is real.

Level 15

I talked to a lady this morning that was referred to us by a financial advisor client.  

"Sorry, we aren't accepting any new clients at this time"

Problem solved.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

I can't bring myself to say that..  I know it is my issue.. i am learning.  my return count for 1040s stands at 961 so far.. last year I did 1,300.  I like the idea of not turning away people and converting them to late april or may clients. 

Level 15

Before you accepted, did you ask if they lick their fingers or carry files into the restroom?  Those are things you really need to know before accepting.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

I save the "Im not accepting anymore new clients" for those that are rude, or act entitled, or sound like a huge messy PITA, I try an accommodate the ones that are pleasant and sound relatively straightforward

Level 15

You need to learn to say No or your client count will grow to the point you will be working through July and August         

Level 11
Level 11

I had a client walk in and he went straight to the bathroom.. I could not even ask him: mind if i get started on this while you do that?  they always said, sure.. well the guy had a backpack on.. what could i say.. can I have your entire backpack?   I was left kind of flat-footed and had to work with contaminated paperwork.. I did not throw the client pen out but i did decootie it with hand sanitizer. 

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

that would be awesome.. doing taxes in july.. just like 2021 all over again. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

Some folks disappear at that time of year but we are still working.  We shift gears from taxes to government audits.  I like to make a clean shift instead of having a billion or so procrastinators to have to deal with after April.  I can deal with a few trickling in here and there but I don't want an avalanche of tax returns hitting me in July.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

I don't need the work so I have no problem turning away business but I get to a point where the procrastinators frustrate me enough that I copy/paste a blurb telling them how to file an extension on IRS Direct Pay.  Even if you don't think you owe, pay them $1 and you get an extension on record, they'll refund it later.  If you think you owe, sent them more money.  There may be interest charges but if you want to avoid them in the future, contact me BEFORE the second week of April...

Level 9

I do not accept documents a few at a time. The client needs to get all documents together before giving them to me. I set deadlines for my clients. If their packet of documents is not received before 3/15 they are subject to extension. I file extensions for all returns I have not completed by early April. 

I do not file extensions for clients who do not respond to my asking on 3/15 whether they intend to use my services. This is when I ask whether they will require an extension (which they have to pay for before it is filed).

You need to train your clients to play by your rules or go elsewhere.

Level 8

I too have now made the cutoff and telling them all they are going on extension. I don't want to turn clients away either but it is getting tough.