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Extensions needing update before the client can be Efiled.

Level 3

Why am I having to update every extension I filed back in April when it comes time to file the client's actual return? It is giving me the message Efile of federal is not ready because extension has not been completed. But it has. Such a time waster.

0 Cheers
5 Comments 5
Level 15

Uncheck the extension e-filing box

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

It is unchecked.  By Federal First Extension it says EF Type, under that, Extension, and under Status, it says Ready, as if the extension has never been filed.  But if you try to Efile it (since it does say Ready), it gives you the message that the extension has already been filed.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

Try going to the EF center homebase, highlight the client and then select update acknowledgements to see if that does anything for you.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

It's more complicated than that.  One must go to the Homepage, be careful to highlight only the Extension portion of the client line, then go to the Efile tab and update the acknowledgements only for the Extension, then you can finally Efile the federal return.  I have over 50 more tax returns to file that are on extensions filed back on April 8 that suddenly last week started showing the extension Marked for Efile instead of Accepted.  Why?  I have called Customer Support two times trying to get this resolved, noone knows what to do except to repeat the above on every client as I need to Efile the federal return.  Annoying.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

That isn't complicated, it's just a little time consuming.

Slava Ukraini!