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error loading

Level 2

when i tried to enter in proseries 2022 in my computer after the download new 2022 version and transfer of data from last year, i am receiving error loadind CRC of c:\prowin22\32bit\proprdlist22.ini contents does not match the contens of c:\prowin22\32bit\proprdlist22.bin.



1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions

Please reinstall. This should fix this issue.

View solution in original post

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26 Comments 26

Please share the error snapshot.

Also, please send the logs:

From ProSeries menu,

              Help ==> Send Logs

And follow the prompt to send these via email to us. Thanks.

Level 1


0 Cheers

Please reinstall. This should fix this issue.

0 Cheers

If the issue still persists,

Please share screenshot of these 2 files in Windows Explorer so that we can see the size and date/times:



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Level 1

Reloading software worked.  All good now.

Level 2

uninstalled and installed again. everything works correct


Level 1

Is this the only solution?  I already have tax files in my 2022 program.


From the Windows Start menu find the ProSeries 2022 folder and run Tools - Repair Updates

Level 2

what about my work stations? and the returns that are already prepared?  My cp is the admin.

Level 2

easy fix without re-installing

Level 2

nevermind, this worked perfectly without un-installing.

From the Windows Start menu find the ProSeries 2022 folder and run Tools - Repair Updates

Level 2

I have already done this and it did not work. We too have returns that we have already processed so we cannot just uninstall and reinstall. We too have an admin computer and workstations and all the computers are having the same issue. Please advise on how to fix if we have already done returns.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Never mind. This did work for us as well. Apparently the admin computer has to run the repair update before any of the workstations before it will work. Make sure to get the admin computer to run the repair before any of the workstations otherwise the running of the update repair will not work. 

Level 2

I have the same loading error.  But if I reinstall will I lose all the client info that is already entered in 2022 files?

Level 2

Do not reinstall. You can do up update repair under your start menu. See resolution above where you go to your Start Menu> locate your Proseries 2022 Folder under your apps and then select the Tools - Repair Updates in your start menu. Worked perfectly for us. Just make sure the admin computer does the Repair Update before any of the other workstations if you are working on a Network  like we are. After Admin computer did the Repair Update, the workstations did the Repair Update and it worked great. You do not have to uninstall to get the fix done!

Level 4

Another year, another failed product. After 27 years with Intuit and ProSeries, I imagine that I am the ERROR. Faulty processing of my thought and judgment in believing that this year would be better, that this would be the year that ProSeries would code the program correctly from the start, de-bug and stabilize, and offer software that would be worthy of its cost. It seems the cost goes up but the functionality goes down, year after year. Delays in forms releases, long after other providers have offered critical forms, calculations, and support. Remember 8915? And the list goes forward....... Take my money; oh and take my sanity and patience with it also. ProSeries, you can do better than this. You once did, and for years and years, you worked flawlessly. I shoulder the blame, it's all on me. I chose poorly. I won't in the future. Thankfully, this is not the only circus in town and not the first rodeo for a lot of us. Until we as consumers vote with our pocketbooks and stand up and stand to with a strong voice, the lashings and beatings will continue.  Welcome to the 21st(?) Century........... and more failed technology.  Scouts out..........

Level 4

On the Admin computer, maybe install and run the ProSeries Tool Hub. Find, fix any errors and then to the ProSeries folder for the reinstall/repair tool. Frightening that right at the start of the season our software is glitching and erring and causing cold sweat to run over us thinking that we will have to re-call and re-enter all the work done just days past............. I spent hours (1+) on phone with support to have a remote worker attempt to solve; and who had only worked for Intuit these past three weeks. Bless her heart, she is learning, and I pray that she will grasp the volumes of knowledge she needs quickly and become an asset to all she encounters. Given these past years, she will have a large learning curve and plenty of hours on their clock. I pray that she makes it, for herself and for us. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Same for us as well. Been with Proseries for over 25 years and been frustrated for most of them. Every year it is something. Thankfully this one was easily fixed but I cannot say the same for all prior years. Hours upon hours wasted searching for a fix and everyone grinds to a halt until the fix is found. Hopefully this will be our last go round with ProSeries. Word is we are going Ultra Tax. It's not cheap either but there are definitely more perks to go along with the high cost. Ultra Tax can even convert our ProSeries files to Ultra Tax so that is a non issue. We just didn't have the time to train everyone on the new software in time this year but we will not have that issue for next year. 

Level 4

Thankfully this solution works. And, NO, (empasize!) You will not lose your work or files that were completed. Just another annoying frustration for 23'.  Hooray for the New Year and New Software, huh? 

0 Cheers
Level 4

Thank you. I've looked at other providers, just didn't research deeply enough. Being creatures of habit, we who are intimately familiar with ProSeries like the idea of being adept in operations, year after year. Cost is a consideration; however, enhancements and additional perks also have value. Just being a relatively trouble-free program would be most welcome. These past years have really been a comedy of errors, and I'm too aged to deal with much unnecessary stress. Especially the kind I don't invite upon myself through habits or other. The programs I have done minimal research on will provide a season-end "Pro-forma" of their product for you to test and run. And allegedly they all have conversion programs. Possibly, if we can get through this final year of the CARES act and Form 8915, we will have the time and energy to "seek out strange new places, and boldly go where.........."  To success possibly? What a novel idea!  

0 Cheers
Level 1

Worked here too.  First time it quickly went away, had to run it again but it did work.  Thanks!

Level 4

Worked great for me.  I had the same error message.

Level 2

We have had to run this Tools - Repair Update yet again this morning. We ran the Repair Update yesterday morning as well and when we can in and tried to work in ProSeries 2022 again, we got the exact same error yet again. Why are we having to run this Tools - Repair Update every morning before we can start working in ProSeries? Our updates are supposed to run automatically and the fact that we cannot get in the tax program until we run this update every morning is extremely frustrating and wastes time. We shouldn't have to do this every morning before we can start working in ProSeries. We did not uninstall and reinstall program as we have numerous workstations on our network and we already have work entered. I am curious if those that did reinstall are still having this issue as well. Please tell us how to fix this issue without reinstalling the software? 

Level 4

Dear khardegree,  My thoughts are with you and this struggle. I did not have to run the tool again this morning, however, I did get a notification that my software was "outdated" and needed to be updated before I could transmit. Frustrating, that, I just completed the update less than 10 hours before. You mention updates running automatically? My updates do not run automatically, since ProSeries decided to do away with scheduling and running updates in last year's version. I pray that you will be able to run this tool this one last time and go forward. As that is the plan for all of us. In the interim, I suppose we are stuck in the endless loop of patches, fixes and at the mercies of the programmers/developers and tech support. I feel your frustration. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Hey Slats,

Thank you for posting your experience. It does help when we are trying to figure out these computer/software issues when others share. We resolved the error by running the Tools- Repair Update. My boss got extremely frustrated with this today and called Intuit to express her dissatisfaction and inquire when the fix was coming. They are aware that others are having this issue but told us to continue to run the Tools- Repair Update every morning before we try to open ProSeries. She didn't like that nor did we but you do what you have to do to get up and running. 

I am curious as to whether those that reinstalled are still having this issue or not. We were however able to update a workstation prior to the Admin computer this time and have it work. 

The running of the updates automatically has me a bit baffled though. You stated they did away with the background updates but on our workstations, I keep Task Manager open at times during the day because I hear my computer working in the background or I do not get a response when I am actively working and know something is consuming 100 or near 100% disk space and lots of memory. I have looked to see what the process is and it has been the Proseries background updater that runs randomly throughout the day. It will not update the software if we are in it but it will give us a notification on the bottom right hand corner that Proseries has an update waiting to be installed. I am guessing that this is a preference that our admin computer has chosen for us. I couldn't find anything right off that said whether Proseries did away with the background updater or not after 2021 but something is obviously still running a background updater on our network but just not updating the software until be enter the program the next go round. I so dislike dealing with software and computer network issues. ProSeries seems to keep this an ongoing issue every year. In their defense, not all the issues are their fault. Windows updates love to throw everyone off from time to time. 

Level 4

Dear rkhardegree,  Interesting. I checked my task scheduler and did not find ProSeries updater working. I remember in 2020 and before being able to schedule updater for an appropriate time (late at night),  and in 2021 that option is not available. I think ProSeries called it an "enhancement" or something to that effect. For now, I just let that be the last thing I do at the end of my day, run the updater, install and hope that I can make it through the next day without issue. And of course Windows with its persnicky-idness.  The sheer joys of technology and its ever-evolving environs, keep us all stressed. I would think that after all this time Intuit would have made the program almost fool-proof. Maybe in 2026 for 2025 after we revert back to the prior tax structure, with Schedule A, Form 2106, dependency exemptions and all thus and that....... Being a senior dog or "cog" in the wheel of life can be difficult at times. Still, it beats paper forms, calculators, copy machines, Publication X, envelopes and mailing returns in,  and the hours, days and weeks.... Hang in, it will be better.  Scouts out......