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Did anyone tried to efile 1040X with the update

Level 2

Proseries released a new software where you should be able to efile 1040X.   However, I am not having any luck (I have not prepared the taxes myself, but I am doing the amended return).



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25 Comments 25
Level 15
Level 15

You need to read the instructions for the new 1040x listed above. You are only able to efile a return that you originally efiled in your ProSeries software, and the process is different from prior years 

Level 15
Level 15
Level 2

Yes, and just spent 2 hours with support.   The lack of instructions with the rollout has been an issue.   First off if they client is changing filing status they have to paper file.  With that said, here is the detailed link on instructions I found on how to do amended returns from within the original return filed.   Yes, you heard me right you will be rethinking totally,  how you have filed returns for prior years from 2019.   The amended return is filed from within the original return!


Go to the link above and follow the instructions.    Check the list for exceptions that cannot be e-filed.  Happy Tax Filing guys!  



0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Ive always prepared amended returns using the original file....that way you always transfer the same file name (with the correct amended information) into the next year's program.  I dont keep a computer file of the original incorrect return.

Level 2

Same here, but the 2019 amended process for e-file is slightly different.


0 Cheers
Level 4

I did spend some time with this.

I had already prepared a paper return of Form 1040X earlier in the year.

Even though I followed all of the instructions, I was not able to efile the Form 1040X.

The error message indicates that for some reason, the program is not recognizing the original return as "e-filed".  I haven't contacted support yet, support always takes too long.



0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
Did YOU Efile the original with your ProSeries software or did some other preparer Efile it? You can only Efile amendments for returns that YOU Efiled the original.

Level 15
Level 15

Like I said earlier, the process is different than past years, but it worked flawless for me. A couple of the instructions could be put in a better order, but overall works great.

Level 2

You are having issues as you have to follow the instructions to work within.  Plus click on the link to remove the original notice that the return was e-filed.  It really isn't removed, but makes the software ignore it so you can e-file the 1040X. Follow the instructions you should be ok.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Where does it say that in the regulations?    I have client that self filed (made errors) and wants me to file amendment.  I want to know where it says we can't efile?


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Its a ProSeries limitation.  Question #3.


Level 4

YES, I e-filed the original tax return.  But after I was done preparing the amended return, and click the check box to e - file the Amended Return, it immediately gave me an error at the bottom of the page that said I could not e-file the amended return since the original return was not e-filed.  How stupid!

0 Cheers
Level 4

I spent one more night trying to figure this out, and I did it!

My amended Federal return was E-filed and accepted yesterday!


Note:  In the file that you are preparing the amended Form 1040X, very important --

DO NOT UNCLICK the BOX that was checked originally as E-file Federal and State returns.

You have to leave these boxes checked, and also check the BOX to "E-file the Amended Return".

If you unclick the BOX that was checked originally as E-file (which I did initially because it made sense to me to unclick this), the software will not recognize that the original return was E-filed.



Level 3

I am trying to efile an amended state return with the amended 1040X.  However, in section VII where it allows you to select a state, it appears the only states that ProSeries allow you to efile are Georgia, MI, NY and VT.  Anyone have any luck efiling any other state amended returns?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
Those are the only ones available in ProSeries, you'll have t paper file the amended return for any other states.

Level 3


0 Cheers
Level 4
Those are the only ones where the States will accept "E-filed amended returns".

You don't see the other states because those states are not set up to accept E-filed amended returns, so they will accept  only paper filed amended returns.
0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
There are other states that accept Efiling of amended individual returns, ProSeries just doesnt offer it, like California.

Level 9

I always keep the original (as a record) then "save as" 1040X after client name for the amended.

Don't want to delete a file that has already been sent to the IRS in case of questions in the future.

Hello Lisa 

I am going to file an amended return 2021 1040X which original return 1040 had efiled by other tax preparer 

I follow the instruction when the professional proseries software popped up amended instruction for 1040X. I prepared original as other tax preparer did and saved as another file . It caused more problem (duplicate ssn and duplicate file):( Sad.

Now I read your link , line 3. It looked like I cannot file amended return 1040 if original return did not go through proseries . It is correct ???

Copy from your link posted

"3.Can all Individual Amended filing types be e-filed?
Only an e-filed Form 1040 can be amended. An original return that was paper filed cannot have an e-filed amended return. The original return must have been e-file through your ProSeries software."


0 Cheers

Please share 

Have you efiled original return or some one else ? 

Have you used professional proseries? 

Thank you


0 Cheers
Level 15

@Mybesttaxservice  -  this post and  Lisa's answer is two years old.  That limitation has been removed.  


Try this   https://proconnect.intuit.com/support/en-us/help-article/amend-tax-return/amending-individual-return...

0 Cheers


Yes I have tried this instruction before I got in this forum

 I prepared as original return the previous tax prepared did for ty 2020. Save as <filename.original>

Open that file and open form 1040X. It created duplicate ssn and duplicate file. I was scared to mess up and got out of instruction and continue with paper for amended return

May I ask: 

Now I do 2021 1040 amended. 2021 1040 original was prepared by other tax preparer also.

I have a hard copy of 2021 original return from taxpayer . I am preparing amended 1040 which I know the changes without save as "filename.original". I do and save as normal I prepare new file

Can I do that to efile the amended return? 

I click on already efile original return Fed and State. When I click on efile amended return, it pop up red error and indicate follow instruction . 

Your response would be appreciate . After this if not work I have to call support team the learn the new how to efile amended return which I not original efile return for my future. Else I have to prepare paper again. It is inconvenient because remote taxpayer since I need wet signature from taxpayer 


0 Cheers
Level 3

I followed the instructions, and it seems to have worked.  But 'oh snap',  I had them sign the 1040X and state of Calfornia forms,  Should I have had them sign the new 8879's instead?

0 Cheers

If any one has been successful to efile 1040X (TY 2020 and beyond ) which other tax preparer e-filed original return and  transmitted by other tax software. Please share info here 

I followed instruction : It created more problems of duplicate SSN and duplicate file 

I called support team to get help , she (support line person) said the Professional Proseries has not yet supported this feature and she apologized for the post . She will raise the issue to upper level to correct it 

Thank you everyone


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