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CO Electronic Withdrawal of Extension Payment

Level 7

Have a client that I set up to have an electronic withdrawal of funds for an extension with Colorado. I filed the extension and it was accepted. The client, however, has not seen the funds leave his account. The fed extension payment went through the same day (4/12) and CO should have as well. Has anyone seen this? I believe I set up CO correctly as there was a checkbox for electronic withdrawal of extension payment and a date for payment was entered. There's not some other magic button I missed, is there?

These state extension payments worry me as, unlike the 4868, there is no language at the bottom showing it is set up correctly.

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1 Comment 1
Intuit_Matt B

From the ProSeries side, as long as you have completed the Part VIII Extension Status section of the Colorado Information worksheet for the funds withdrawal, the payment information will be transmitted to the state. 

If they haven't withdrawn it by the date you entered in, it may be worth calling the state to see why they haven't processed payment.

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