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Close that %#($& menu

ShoeBox Taxes
Level 5

Every time I go to a new screen, that $)*$%_# menu for esignatures opens, prompting me to buy more. I have to close it every #$*(#%# time so I can see what I need to see.

Has anyone figured out a way to make it stop opening? It was mildly annoying the first 400 times I had to do it. It has slipped into infuriating at this point.

2 Comments 2
Level 15
Level 15

I dont know how or why it happened, but I was complaining about that stupid window a few days ago, then low and behold I got this popup window yesterday!  I chose Yes, so I guess we'll see how long it lasts, probably resets everytime it updates  LOL and it will be groundhog day over and over!


Level 15

WOW, I hope I can get my program to give me that option.