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Changing a client to 1120S from 1065 after Subchapter S election

Level 2

An LLC taxed as a partnership has elected Subchapter S status for 2024.  When trying to input information for an 1120S, I get an error message of a duplicate Tax ID.  How to I remove that error?

0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 15

Did you transfer the 1065 to 2024?

Is the S-election effective for all of 2024?

0 Cheers
Level 2

Yes, the info from last year was transferred (as a 1065) but the Sub S election is effective beginning 1/1/24.  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
0 Cheers
Level 2

Actually, a new EIN is not required when an LLC taxed as a partnership elects Subchapter S status.  It’s confusing on the IRS website, but I checked with them when the election was made and was told their EIN would not change.  
The problem is in the Proseries Professional software that recognizes the tax ID from the previous year’s 1065, since there isn’t a way to convert from 1065 to 1120S.