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Carryover of prorated portion from 2020 retirment distribution in 2021

Level 1

I have a client who qualified with 8915-E for coronavirus distribution from retirement account and therefore the amount is prorated 3 years - 2020, 2021 and 2022.  How is that to be reported on the 2021 return? Was ProSeries suppose to carry this forward?  It did not.

Is there a work around without overriding the program?

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17 Comments 17
Level 11

Please refer to the zillion of similar posts on this subject.  March 31st the form is supposed to be out.

Level 15



Slava Ukraini!

I need to check to see who won on the poll question.  Might have been IRonMaN.

Tax Man Tan
Level 4

No, no workaround. Proseries SUCKS, and is the ONLY software to not xfer the info. From what I've heard both Drake and Lacerte have draft 8915F's, and the data has transferred. Proseries, JOKE of a software does not. Drakes had it since January, and Lacerte's had it for a few weeks now. All you can do is check each client, or create a custom view to show those with taxable IRA/pension distributions, and then go manually add the amount in, but you can't file until the form itself finalizes with the IRS. A company that cared about it's clients probably would have sent out notifications to alert them that this MAJOR issue was arising, but PROSERIES gives no mind or consideration to this facet of it's revenue stream. They do not care about the preparer's that much is evident. If you call you cannot talk to a supervisor, and the rep's have no idea what's going on. The whole company has went into the toilet! It'll be our last year using this crap software. Good luck to you! 

Level 15

"A company that cared about it's clients probably would have sent out notifications to alert them that this MAJOR issue was arising,"

To be fair to Intuit, I believe every ProSeries user that needs to the form has posted here (at least based on the number of posts), so who would be left for them to notify?

Slava Ukraini!
Tax Man Tan
Level 4

I know quite a few "older," CPA's who would never in a million years look at any of these forums, nor do they even know it exists. It's not our obligations as users to read these forums. It's Proseries obligation as a software provider to inform us of their every increasing inefficiencies. 

Level 11

You will need to file form 8915F which will not be in our software untill March 31st. That right. Two weeks before the end of the tax season.

Level 11

Do the post only total a zillion?

Tax Man Tan
Level 4

You forgot to add, you manually need to enter the information after it's available!

Yet Lacerte has a draft form with the data carrying forward from 20.

Level 15

"I know quite a few "older," CPA's who would never in a million years look at any of these forums"

If you did some digging, I think you would find that a few "older" folks are the ones that have been carrying the ball here for a number of years.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I did not want to scare him

Tax Man Tan
Level 4

Key word = a few. 


not even close to the majority. 

Level 11

Is old based on age?  

Better yet.

Newbie - less than 5,000 tax returns prepared

Middle age - 5,000 - 15,000 returns prepared

Old age - greater than 15,000.returns prepared

You - not your entire firm.

Tax Man Tan
Level 4


Hahaha, I like the criteria here. We'll run with it! 

I guess that makes me ancient.  Do I qualify for a discount from Intuit?😄

Level 15

If you have a picture of you standing next to a dinosaur, you qualify for the Intuit ancient discount.

Slava Ukraini!
Tax Man Tan
Level 4

You should! LOL but they don't care about your loyalty so I'll lean you don't..... lol