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Automatic Import of ATB program crashing and corrupting Proseries 2022

Level 2


Any update on this? Only a week of tax season left. Should we start sending Proseries invoices to help pay for the extra tax prep time we needed to finish our client returns?

Level 3

I have not seen one  yet....So many of us are affected by this oversight from Proseries...Unbelievable.

No time to look for an update....It's the Monday, April 10, 2023..9 days left to go...Mondays are always a zoo...Clients keep calling, and emailing....and this screw up from the programmers has had a lasting negative impact on us. 

Level 3

At this point it is pretty clear that intuit doesn't want our business...actions speak louder than words!

Level 3

Does anybody know a good class action lawyer?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Unexpected error: "Unable to read Data error code 10250 updating ATB import"

This unexpected behavior is  scheduled to be addressed in next weeks update as engine updates are on a freeze during this time. We apologize for any inconveniences this has caused. 

Workaround: Unchecking the box to "
Update Automatically" will stop this from happening until a update is released. After unchecking the "Update Automatically" you will not be able to change the Basis until the update is released. 

0 Cheers
Level 3

This is the same canned response you gave weeks ago and no update has been issued. This is unacceptable!  Will Proseries be refunding our firms the cost of this software since it is non-functioning? Ultra Tax market share just increased. 

Level 3

Oh, honey no you didn't just try to smooth it over with "it will be fixed next week"...the flipping deadline is next week. 

Were you absent on the day they taught customer service 101?

Level 3

Where is the update Proseries?

0 Cheers
Level 3

It appears that Proseries has finally fixed this issue an entire week after the deadline.  Way to go Proseries.

Level 3

Wow! Only a week after the deadline. Great job guys. Really, really top notch effort!