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And I Thought Intuit Service Was Bad - ATX-CCH

Level 11

I know this is a ProSeries forum - but any ATX-CCH (formerly Kleinrock) 1099-W2 users out there?   ATX uses a "virtual assistant" who is giving me a virtual heart attack.  Cannot connect to a person in customer service, the community board is a waste.

All 39 of my current 1099 e-files have been rejected and program and forms are up to date, all error checks are fine.  Anybody know an insider?

And then, anybody recommend a better 1099-W2 program.  Been with this one for over 20 years and I'M DONE.

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4 Comments 4
Level 15

So I guess you are not enthusiastic about the new Automated Assistant ProSeries is launching?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 11

I'll answer that the same way the *?!$%x* press secretary just answered a question - "Everyone out there who is sad, frustrated, angry, pissed off- feel those emotions go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do...."

Level 11

W-2 Mate. Been using for several years and it works for me, but I haven't tried the efile module.

No clients have enough that they are forced into it, so we are strictly snail mail.

Level 4

The Quick Employer Forms product from Intuit works well for me.  I baled on ATX during their terrible fiasco in 2012. 

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