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2023 990 module availability

KMT Books
Level 2

I have downloaded and installed ProSeries for 2023.  Today when I transferred my 2022 returns everything transferred except the 990's.  When I look at the homebase view 990 isn't even listed.  When I ran the Update installed products, the 990 is listed as one of the products but still nothing.  Is there a separate date for that module's availability that I missed seeing?  Thank you.

0 Cheers
3 Comments 3
Level 15
Level 15

The 990 product just isnt available yet.   

The schedule says it wont be ready for printing or EF until 1/26, so Im guessing they should have it available prior to that, but we'll have to wait and see.

Level 15

Lisa is right. It is never ready this early. Calendar year 990 returns are not due till May 15th. So why are you even transferring those now? I know we want to get ahead of the ball game, but you just have to be patient and wait a little bit, just in case there are bugs in the system.

Level 15

"just in case there are bugs in the system"

When is it ever free of bugs?

Slava Ukraini!