I just got an email from intuit to congatulate me on how I made it thru the 2022 filing season. One of the things they congratulated me on was guiding my clients thru 565 income tax returns. You got to be kidding me because there is no way I completed that many returns unless they counted federal and state as 2 where I just consider them as one.
What they should have congratulated all of us on was putting up with them this tax season.
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The email thanked me for completing my 11th with them which I found odd. I started using ProSeries when they bought Parsons Technology in 1992! My count of prepared returns was off too.
I also had 11 years according to their email. Actually my account goes back to Chipsoft in 1991.
Another Former All Star
They got my name right. That's about it. Evidently everybody has been with Intuit for the same amount of time -------- 11 years. But in fairness, they do say 11 years and counting -------------------- they evidently have an eleven fingered person doing the counting and they couldn't get their socks off to continue the count.
Congratulations email was received for putting up with PS success with my supplemental ProConnect account, no number of returns given and I don't care. Now where is my PS Professional congrats email? 😤 With my longevity discount?🤣
I got the 11 year message as well. Hummmmm - guess there is a programing error somewhere lol
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