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1116 Schedule B not listed on pdf attachment drop down menu for TY 2023!!

Not seeing 'Form 1116 Schedule B' in the drop down menu for attaching pdf to return for tax year 2023 - which opens next week. Will be unable to e-file, if this is not fixed, as the program produces an error message. Anyone else having this issue?

20 Comments 20
Level 11

Not everything is "perfect" yet.  Give ProSeries time.  Give the government time to approve ProSeries forms.  You have 81 days until April 15th.

We have a business to run. Proseries has 1116 Schedule B e-file ready status as 'ready,' and e-file availability starting January 29th, just three days away. In 2022, Proseries took until mid-March (less than a month from filing deadline) to get things ready to e-file. A note regarding this glitch should have been posted/flagged. It has not. 


Proseries needs to get its act together. 

Level 1

Any news regarding this error ? I called but the wait is for more than an hour.

0 Cheers

As of 1/29/2024 - Proseries has not fixed (they may not even be aware of the problem). 

Workaround - attached file '1116 Schedule B' as a 'Other' category attachment, disabled the error check, and transmitted and e-filed one today. It went through. But, be careful that there aren't any other errors before you do this!!

Good luck!

0 Cheers
Level 15

@taxprocommunitymember1 wrote:

As of 1/29/2024 - Proseries has not fixed (they may not even be aware of the problem). 

Workaround - attached file '1116 Schedule B' as a 'Other' category attachment, disabled the error check, and transmitted and e-filed one today. It went through. But, be careful that there aren't any other errors before you do this!!

Good luck!

FWIW, it's also not available in ProConnect Tax yet.

I wouldn't want to attach Sch B (Form 1116) under "Other" because the form needs to be processed and not having it indexed properly could cause problems down the line.

Still an AllStar

Agree with you. I was of two minds - whether to wait or to try. Will see it Proseries fixes this. Do recall that when they first introduced this new Form/schedule - we had to file it under 'Other' - and then, the following year, Proseries put in the '1116 Schedule B' option. 

Hopefully, the IRS will catch the form itself. 

When I looked at the error message within the return - saw that it had properly linked the attachment with its 1116 Schedule B matching line. 

Will have to contact Proseries. Suspect that as Proseries didn't have this issue last year, it is just something that someone forgot to do?? Either way, a concern. Should be an easy thing for them to fix. 

Let me know if you see any updates.


0 Cheers
Level 2

Workaround - attached file '1116 Schedule B' as a 'Other' category attachment, disabled the error check.

How can I disabled the error check?

and Is there any way to make pdf file only form 1116 in the tax pro?



0 Cheers
Level 15

@jkcss In a haste to file early, you may end up spending more time responding to notices if the Sch B (F.1116) isn't indexed properly and the data doesn't get captured by the IRS' system.  Of course, that's your call.  Just my 2p that's not worth even half a penny.

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers

Well, hopefully, not. 

Have been trying to notify Proseries - but incredibly hard to get in touch with someone. 

Many thanks!


0 Cheers

Suppose that there is the possibility that Form 1116 Schedule B need not need to be in a binary/specified name. 

Wondered, as for business returns, believe these were the only specific labels required:


Didn't see a list for individual returns. 

Will update once any word from Proseries, if I ever get through...

0 Cheers
Level 15

@taxprocommunitymember1 You can check the last 2 years' schema.  Sch B (F.1116) has not been on any of the files for naming convention or attachment since the year it was released.  Nothing has changed for 2023.

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers

Finally got in touch with Proseries. The customer service rep said that he will let his manager know. 

Would be good if they had a place where we can post software issues, especially early in the season.

0 Cheers
Level 2

has anyone heard an update on this one?

0 Cheers
Level 1

I just received an email that the error was fix today.

Just checked and still didn't see it. Do you actually see it?


0 Cheers
Level 1

I am not seeing it either. I received an email saying the problem was addressed. No dropdown option to select 1116 Schedule B as an attachment. I am blocked from e-filing the tax return

0 Cheers
Level 2

I just used the Other box and described the attachment Form 1116 Schedule B

0 Cheers
Level 11

I use PS Basic, the diagnostics states that form 1116 sch b needs to be attached but PS states the form is efilable and ready when you go to the PS  tax form finder link. I filled and did not get any error message wit PS basic


0 Cheers

Have been doing the same thing the whole time. Think they just dropped that option for 2023 without letting users know of the change.

0 Cheers

So if the form is attached using "other", and the program is including it even though there is still a diagnostic saying it is not being done, will there be issues if the IRS has the form twice?

I'm not getting why the diagnostic is still there if Intuit has known about this since the end of January but it is presumably fixed.  No, I am not new around here.  But this has to be the simplest fix ever to just remove the diagnostic.  So do we know if it has really been fixed?