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1065 K-1 Box 13 H&W - Interest expense and Trader deductions entries

Level 7

Adding income shows an expense and taxpayer is limited partner and does not materially participate.

None of the k-1 amounts qualify as business income. (hedge fund)

It appears that trader expense coded W is to be reported on Schedule E.

It also appears that investment interest expense, coded H, would be shown on Schedule E as well (subject to any interest expense limitation from form ).

Also, Box 11I (a loss) would appear on Schedule E  ?

First time around with something like this.

thanks for any input, etc.




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1 Best Answer

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Level 7

After talking w/ Proseries, we determined that to get the investment interest Expense (Coded 13 H) info on Sched E, page two, we had to override the fields....

View solution in original post

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3 Comments 3
Level 14
Level 14

ProSeries should will put code H & W in correct place on 1040 automatically, but line 11 code I you will have to put the loss (depending on kind of loss) on the correct 1040 form. FYI anytime you see " * "  (single asterisk) you have to manually put it where it belongs.

Level 7

Per the K-1, the 14H  should be reported on Sched E, page 2.   It shows up as a deduction on Sched A .   Not sure where/how I need to adjust where I put the initial entry (now on K-1, Part III, line  13, coded as H.)

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Level 7

After talking w/ Proseries, we determined that to get the investment interest Expense (Coded 13 H) info on Sched E, page two, we had to override the fields....

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