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ProSeries HomeBase Forms Views Missing

Level 1


After updating from ProSeries Pro 2020 to ProSeries Pro 2021, our client's HomeBase Views list no longer shows all the forms they regularly use. It only shows the Form 1040 option.

I am curious if this is a known change, or if there's any way to get back the views from the previous version on this new version? So far I have tried:

Updating the subscribed forms, which ProSeries says it successfully downloads, but does not change any view presets.
Exporting custom views from 2020 and importing them on 2021, which didn't help because they were default views for the forms and not custom forms.
Adding a new custom view, but it only allows sub-views of the Form 1040 as far as I can tell.

If this was an intentional change I can relay that message but it would be nice to get them back to their normal operations.


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2 Comments 2
Level 15
Level 15

Weird, it should have known what you had installed in 2020 and downloaded the same products...top menu bar Updates > Select and Download New Products and see what youve got chosen to install.

0 Cheers
Level 1

I did run the Updates -> Select and Download New process, and they have all of the Federal options and a lot of the state options checked, but we're still only getting the view for the base Form 1040.

Is it possible a full rebuild of the HomeBase would be needed? It seems like that may be a long process and I'm concerned about it causing them to lose settings or data.

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