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PA shows no error when checking but when I try to print it says forms are not final. Can't print PA tax return! Help.

Level 1
5 Comments 5
Level 7
Level 7

The same issue happened to me when I attempted to print MD state returns -- it turns out a couple of the forms I am using will only be E-File ready this Wednesday.  I don't know why there are no errors to flag it before I go to print.


I did print out PA returns for a client over the weekend, so I think your return may have one unique form that is not yet E-file ready.  Go through each form in the return and you should be able to spot it.

Level 15

You can always check ProSeries' form status here: https://form-status.app.intuit.com/tax-forms-availability/formsavailability?product=PROSERIES&bu=PRO...

Still an AllStar
Level 1

I have the same issue, i can print PA but not MD.  i think it was 2 years ago that MD wasn't ready until Feb 12.  What a pain.  Hopefully it is resolved quickly this year.

Level 15

A few days ago a colleague said he had a similar issue like this. Take a look at the local EIT return. This EIT return is not ready yet. If the box is checked to prepare this return, then this may be causing the issue.

Level 7
Level 7

The ProSeries message for the MD returns indicated they should be E-file ready this Wednesday -- 01/31/24.

We will see if that holds.