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PA local income tax form

Level 4

When printing PA local income tax form, says Do Not Mail.....Email.


I am unable to email tax form, must be mailed. 



79 Comments 79
Level 3

I just got off the phone with the them.  She said to do an update at 4 PM and it SHOULD fix the problem.

Level 15

@Postdot Good Job. Thank You on behalf of all PA tax preparers.

Level 15

But I don't think updates are released to everybody at the same time ------- just to prevent some folks from complaining "it isn't there yet" when they try doing updates at that exact minute.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

It's almost 5 p.m. and still isn't fixed. It keeps printing the watermark. This is so absurdly frustrating. There is no reason this form cannot be available on January 1st instead of having to wait til today because in my 28 years of preparing taxes the local tax form has NEVER changed. But every year we have to use an alternate method until this is "finalized".

Level 3

I just did an update, still printing the watermark.

Level 3

I updated at 7:00 pm and still have the watermark on the local PA return!

Level 3

7:11 PM EST...did an update...and it is still happening...

Level 3

4 PM...in what time zone?

Level 3

I just did an update at 9:00 p.m. EST and the water mark is still there.

Level 3

9:00 PM in eastern time zone, still not fixed. Should have been final on Jan 1st. Form has not changed is the 32 years I have been preparing taxes.

Level 3

Not fixed....10 pm Est

35 minutes on the phone with ProSeries, CASE # 15111808359

Very courteous and helpful agent, HOWEVER problem not resolved.

Not sure the programmers are aware of the issue.

Please call ProSeries:

This reminds me of the 2021 issues with the same form. No reason for this inconvenience.

No agency needs to approve. This is a worksheet that does not change from year to year.


Intuit needs to review prior years.




Level 15
Level 15

@IntuitGabi  I know a few states are straggling, can you add PA local on the list to get updated?

Level 4

It's 7:00 am now in PA and nothing changed with PA local tax form. Still says, DO NOT MAIL, etc.


I already did updates, no change.



Level 4

Second time this morning did updates and also refreshed updates. PA local tax form still says DO NOT MAIL....email only. 



Level 3

PA Local -- 7:49 am EST -- Just did an update and still has the water mark.   Ugh!

Level 15

Stupid question, since I don't prepare those returns, but since it goes to some other processors rather than the state department of revenue, what happens if you mail the returns in with the watermark?  Everybody says that the form has been the same since like 1892, so will the local processor do his or her thing with that watermarked form or will they mail it back to the taxpayer?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I prepared them years ago and i crossed out/whited out the error messages, the clients then mailed them in. It did not look professional, but the local tax collecting entities did accept them as far as I know.

Level 15

Then I would mail them with the watermark and put a note at the bottom of the form:

"Sorry for the appearance, but my software kinda sucks at updating forms that don't need updating".

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

It's not a matter of them accepting it.  The form is so generic that I believe they'll accept the figures on a handwritten piece of scrap paper.  It just looks like crap and may cause confusion for the client.

Level 3

One thing to remember as well:  We're tax professionals and as such, our clients come to us for professional level work, which includes an accurate professional bundle of the federal, state and local wage tax return.  We charge for that, and we, in turn, pay Intuit ALOT of money to use software that will allow us to perform our jobs easily and successfully, which includes the professional level product.  The idea of scribbling on a local wage tax return because Intuit can seem to get their act together and recognize that this form does not change from year to year, is ridiculous!

Level 15

My clients come to me because they trust me.  If I did provide a form like that to them and explained the situation to them, there isn't one client that would have a problem with it.  If folks would rather rant and rave and pile almost finished returns up in their office, you have the right to do that.  Personally, I have always tried to find an alternative solution when Intuit puts a brick wall up in my face.  Sometimes I find a workable solution and other times I have to patiently sit and wait for Intuit to get their act together.  As of right now, I'm just glad I am in MN instead of PA.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Took someone else's advice.  

Opening 2022 - changing the year and the numbers.  At least it is professional and, although a total waste of time as this is not we are all paying for, the returns are done and look professional.


Level 15

@Postdot @IRonMaN the first one I completed this morning was a joint return and they already had the pre-printed paper form from the local tax collector with the name and Social Security numbers and so forth already preprinted on it. So all I had to do was write in the amounts and it looked fine. I stamped my name CPA, address, ETC and it looked fine. The second one I did I went back to 2022 to change the year to 2023 and then completed form and printed it. Just make sure you return the 2022 local eit numbers to what they originally were, I have paper copies also.

Level 3

I just called in and complained...I wrote code at one time...this should be a simple fix....sad to say...

Level 3

Hi, I called Intuit today and was told that the forms for Pennsylvania may not print due to the second column in the below link not being approved by the state. 


I'm not sure that is the correct issue or not. I was told to wait until 2/15 as that's when the State is going to approve the remaining forms.

Currently, I can't print my PA return, I also have a Chester County and City of Philadelphia tax forms within the same return. The software does not indicate that any of the forms are incomplete or not approved.  Its a bit confusing. 

I was only able to print it by removing both the City and the County returns, which doesn't help when wanting to efile it.  Anyone else having this problem?

Level 3

This is not the problem with the PA local form....it has been released....but it has large watermarks stating DO NOT MAIL and E-FILE ONLY...

It is not a form to be e-filed.  If I have to explain this to each customer...that it means nothing...send it in...that makes my work look sloppy....and god only knows how many unnecessary calls that will entail....

PROSERIES....preparers do not get paid by the hour...but by the task...PROSERIES(Intuit) you are destroyed the trust and faith of your followers....

Level 3

Until Intuit gets the patch and this is fixed, I have been doing the following

Prepare the 2023 local return, but do not print.

Open the 2022 program and pull up the 2022 local return.

I have a huge wide screen so I am able to place my 2022 program on top of my 2023 (side by side). 

I then override the year.

I transfer all of the 2023 information directly into the 2022 form and print.

I then scan in the printed 2023 local return (I am paperless) into the computer for my files.

It is not holding me up.  Would be nice if I did not have to work out of two programs, BUT I can keep my files moving off my desk AND it is a professional look.  Nobody knows the difference but me.

Level 3

And we have been doing that....but it allows an opportunity for error...that is not necessary...

I spend more effort getting a PA local Form printed properly than doing a partnership with K-1's...

I have been doing your work around for years...and it should not be...

Level 3

Ok, I opened 2022, I updated the form and printed there and then kept a paper version for client to send for the County of Chester.

However, I'm efiling also City of Philadelphia (or trying too) and that is causing the forms to say not complete. 

According to ProSeries.NPT is ready to send, I unchecked the allocation worksheets and even the payment voucher, since I think its being withdrawn electronically.  

Sadly, still can't finalize. I will wait until 2/15 to hope that the remaining forms for Philadelphia clear so that I can efile this client.

Appreciate your response.


0 Cheers
Level 15

Is getting the form online from the PA Local authority/tax collector website still an option?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

Yes....so is a 1040 if you want to take the time to complete it...for what I(we) are paying this should be fixed...work arounds are for unexpected circumstances...loss of power, water, etc....this is uncalled for...I just really wonder who is in charge at Intuit?  


Like a couple people have already said....form never changes....but is a hold up every year...okay...lets see what tomorrow brings....


0 Cheers
Level 1

712pm EST

I performed an update and the error persists.

I wind up transferring the numbers by hand onto a blank form 

0 Cheers
Level 2

And here we are 24 hours later and still waiting!

Seriously, this form hasn't changed in more than a decade!

ProSeries...you dropped the ball again!

0 Cheers
Level 15

Besides me, has anybody thought of the possibility that the support person had no clue as to what they were talking about?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

Since yesterday (1/31)'s update it says "ready to print." But I get an error when I try to generate a pdf. If I print from within the form I get the watermark. This is MADDENING. 

0 Cheers
Level 3

Refreshed updates - February 2 at 7:30 a.m. ---  Water Mark is still there.

0 Cheers
Level 3

I don't think anyone is just stacking and not printing their returns...at least I hope not...I have always resorted going back a year and overriding info....

I do my ranting and posting about this while my returns are printing...I am a firm believer if you put up with something and say nothing...nothing will change...

Its the point of the responsibility of the developer and having timely fixes...we work within a finite time schedule for preparing these returns...workarounds usually offer more opportunity for error and take extra time....so much for trying to grow your business....

0 Cheers
Level 3

I just did an update and this PA local wage tax form has not been resolved  What is the issue?

The form hasn't changed in a century...  Does anyone know when this we be resolved?

Level 3

Dear All ....


1. re: " Processing an Update "

Have you tried doing a " Refresh Updates " ?  Apparently something 'new" this year or maybe even last year (2022) .. I learned about this yesterday 2/1/24 from a 1-2 hours support session with Intuit about the WATERMARK LOCAL EIT Form debacle. Apparently when you do just an "UPDATE" it may not install ALL of the most recent updates.


Support rep created a case for me on this issue and I am " to receive updates when it is fixed OR NOT fixed. Rep thoroughly understood problem. IT is worth the effort to call and create case if fro no other reason they communicate to you about the status. HOPEFULLY. I did tell her Pro series has dropped the ball on support in recent years,

3. PA DUE date Code problem in Letter

Second reason I called support, and second case I have on going .... have you noticed the Pennsylvania " Due date" is not properly filling the letter?? Instead the CODE gets printed. This is the 3rd or 4th  year I have complained about this problem !! (search the Trending Topics for PA DUE DATE CODE PROBLEM and you will see I had this same issue going back to 2019, 2020 etc)

Level 3

FYI - I just "Refreshed Updates" (4th line on Drop down menu under "Update") ... THAT DID NOT fix watermark problem.

Another workaround FYI :

I open up n second monitor a blank EIT pdf 'fill in form' online and complete using the data form pro-series (on left monitor) ... then print it out .... More professional than sending watermark form in regardless of how it is dummied up. and quicker -- for me -- than using the 2022 form approach discussed earlier / above. just MHO



Level 2

Perhaps a raindance or a seance is in order?

Level 3

Sign of the times…

Level 15

The squeaky wheel has received a lot of oil, via our posts. We just have to wait, like every year, and hope it is fixed soon.

Level 15

This seems to be an annual problem so maybe you need to reach a little higher on the food chain


Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Saturday Morning, 2/3/24, 10am eastern time. I ran Updates and Refresh updates ... Local EIT PA Form STILL PRINTS WATERMARK (quote)




to that end, I have NOT received ANY email updates re: the two Cases that were started by Support person I spoke to days ago which PER that person means " there has been no resolution, no fix, problem is still ongoing"


NOW if there are other PS users out there that do in fact have this problem RESOLVED ...Then ...that is another troubling issue with me and my ProSeries software experience !!!

Level 15

@IRonMaN Good job finding that. Just you merely posting that may get it fixed: Employees do not like it when you contact their superior, it could result in a trip to the unemployment line?

Level 15

Every PA preparer here should start e-mailing to get their attention

Slava Ukraini!

Hello! We are aware of the printing issue impacting PA tax fillings. Our teams are working to resolve this, once we have an update we will provide it here. Thank you!

0 Cheers
Level 3

Hello Ruben,

Thank you .

with all due respect, there are multiple printing issues with PA forms. I have two cases with support I am waiting on: THIS local tax form issue AND the incorrect printing of PA due dates on the Client letter.

Will you kindly report on BOTH problems ?

