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My return was just rejected for a dependent SSN used on another return. The error message state to check the "reject value" field. Where do i find this field?

Level 1
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2 Comments 2
Level 15
Level 15

In the rejection report you'll find a number in square brackets [   ]  thats the dependent that caused the rejection.

This is a screen shot of a 2018 return that got kicked back because the non custodial parent erroneously claimed the first 2 kids listed as dependents on this taxpayers return.  You can access this screen by highlighting the rejected return in the EFCenter, then hit F12 and choose Rejected Returns



Level 3

Can you please confirm what the numbers noted in the [  ] represent .......

as an example.....

......is the IRS1040[1] indicating how many dependents are causing this rejection and the DependentDetail [2] is this telling us it was the 2nd dependent noted on the return?  Am I reading this correctly?



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